Chapter 1: Planning

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"No way I'm sitting next to your 'jomies'!"

"No way I'm sitting next to that music freak!"

The two boys, one magenta and another purple glared at each other in frustration. The ombré haired boy crossed his arms vigorously before putting an arm around Jake's, silently and angrily telling him to get out of their group table. When Zander does this, Drew immediately tried let Zander go of his best friend. Drew growled, "He's mine, freak!"

"I am not a freak and we are definitely not sitting next to you!" Zander huffed, taking Jake's hand.

Drew scoffed, "Don't you have a--"

"Cut it out, you two! Jeez! I know I'm handsome but you don't need to fight over me." The peach haired boy put arms on his waist. The rest of his friends, Henry and Liam both snickered in the background, trying to mind their own business so they won't make the situation worse. Jake winked at them confidently. Then, Zander and Drew finally gave in and sat next to each other.

"Now that you two are done fighting, can you get something for Zander, Drew?" Jake smiled. Although, expecting his grumpy magenta friend to do something nice for his frienemy was a low percent chance, it was worth a shot.

"Of course not." Drew huffed, finishing his peachy yogurt.

"Aw, why not, grumpy pants? Is it because you're jealous that the music freak will steal your Jakey boy away from you," Henry teased, making his friend's cheek turn bright red as a strawberry. He flusteredly crossed his arms and looked away.

"Yeah, grumpy pants," Zander snickered with the lettuce lover and the two gave each other a high five. A surprised Jake give a satisfyed smirk at the duo. Meanwhile, Liam smiled at them in return. Teasing Drew surprisingly made Zander, Liam, and Henry get along. It's not a fully healthy friendship but it works like a gem.

"Fine, grape boy. What do you need help with..?" Drew answered dully. He groaned and tried to give in for his peachy friend.

Liam silently whispered into the ombre boy's ear and smirked. "He's only doing this for Jake but don't tell him do he won't get mad.."

Zander evily smiled at the majenta haired boy. His dark brown eyes now dim from all the embarassment. Jake patted Drew on the back softly, allowing the dark pink boy to relax. Zander finally got back into reality.

"A-anyway, I...just need a special gift for Luke."

"You mean your precious boyfriend?" Drew scoffed. "You wanna give him-what-? Like.. new drumsticks?"

Zander looked down. "Well..yeah.."

"Just drumsticks? You need to give him more than that, grape freak!" Drew put his two hands on Zander's shoulder and lightly shook him. Drew looked straight into his periwinkle eyes. It made him a bit flustered but he shook that feeling away.

All of a sudden, the bell rang out of the blue. Annoyed (since it hurt their ear drums badly), Drew took his backpack and the rest of his friends, except for Jake followed with him. Drew turned to his purple enemy, but gave him a soft smile, "Meet me after school in the front of the school, music freak."

Once the three were gone, Zander finally took his backpack. Jake did the same and he scoffed. "I never expected Drew to be the one to help you of all people.."

Zander sighed, and he turn away from Jake. "Me neither.."




1 hour earlier:

The purple ombre boy turn to look at his auburn boyfriend. A sigh came at the corner of his face and he turn away from him to face Jake. Talking to him about whatever they were talking about.

Meanwhile, Luke stared at the two from a distance and he clenches fists angrily. What are they talking about? Why isn't Zander walking here like he usually does? Why Jake..?




"H-huh!" Luke turned to his teal haired friend and snapped back into reality.

"Luke? What are you imagining about?" Hailey put his hands on her auburn friend's worriedly. Luke hung his head. Confused, Hailey turned to the peachy boy and his brother sitting far from the two and her smile faded.

Hailey sighed gently, "You're thinking about Zander? Luke.. I promise Zander won't know anything about this."

"But, what if he finds out about what we're doing? He seems really suspicious now and-"

"Don't worry, Luke. I promise.." The aqua haired girl smirked and held Luke's hand then, she continued:

"He'll know nothing about this.."

So Lailey, platonic Drander, Drake, and Lander? 🤔


Also.. *cough* thank you so much for 50+ reads- That was fast (for me at least-) 0w0 and sorry for not publishing yesterday, I thought this chapter wasn't good enough but I hope you enjoyed it anyway! Im gonna try to make the next one worth it ^^

And P.S: DID YOU GUYS ENJOY EPISODE 6 XD Cuz I know I did and I think the next episode will be a great one since it ended with a cliffhanger-^^
Luckily for this story (and me) it will sort of be like a "Lander Month" month for me. Not only is episode 7 coming at the end of the month (hopefully), but so is my cousin's wedding! (And..first year of highschool..yay..? ;w;) So I'm trying to do everything I can to make this the best month ever! Ha ha~ ^^

But yeah that's all the news.

I'll probably won't publish the next part until I finish all of "Home With You" ;w; which will be a challenge and I love challenges ÙwÚ So thank you all for reading and I'll see you in the next part~


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