Chapter 11: Promising (final)

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Warning; Just small curse words

The purple haired boy catched this breath. He looked around, trying to find where his missing person is. The hallways weren't crowded anymore, so how did he not find Luke. He turned to his left, then his right and sighed.

"Luke, what the heck are you hiding...?"

Once he faced forward, a black haired girl went into view. She stared at him with her hands on her back, almost trying to smile. Frightened, Zander gasped.


"Sadie!?" He looked down, then to the goth, awkwardly. He put his hands into his pockets, sweating.

"I just wanna say: Happy Anniversary to you and your soulmate." The black haired girl smiled.

Zander, for one, has never seen Sadie smile before. He made him feel lightened on the inside. Although, he has kept his usual posture. "Uh... thank you?"

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be with your friend..." Sadie's smile vanished and she slowly tilted her head.

A confused Zander stood still. "You mean Luke?"

"That's your soulmate. I'm talking about the one who used to be your enemy."

"Drew? But, I..." Zander took a step back, shaking. "How did you know we were friends?"

"Your soulmate and stepsister told me."

Zander was about to respond, until he got interrupted by another girl before him. He crossed his arms.

"Hey Zander. Hey Sadie!" The happy girl put her hands to her back, trying not to 'ruin the surprise.'

"Oh, Stacy. You're here."

"I see you're not with a pile of books for once." Zander pouted, putting a hand on his hip then rolling his eyes.

The navy haired girl chuckled. "Yeah, I let someone else do that job for me today." She nervously rubbed her arm. "Anyway, would you guys want to come with me to the English classroom-"

"No!" Zander interrupted, rather loudly. "I have just about enough of that stupid room after school! I am not going in again!"

Sadie and Stacy stared at each other, worrying that this might not be a good idea after all. Zander crossed his arms, wondering why he is talking to these girls in the first place. He shook his head and glared at them. "Okay, where's Luke?"

Sadie looked at Stacy and nodded her head. Smiling, the navy haired girl went up to Zander and winked. "Autumn Park."

Zander's eyes widened and without hesitation or an answer, he ran away from the girls to exit the school. Although he couldn't hear her, she yelled behind him:

"Go get him, Zander!"


The leaves blew through Zander's mane. Exhaustively, he rested his breath, and at the same time, looking for the auburn haired boy. "I swear if I don't find you I--" he thought outloud to himself, but paused for a moment. His eyes widened as he finally found the tall boy with the same scarf, sitting on the wooden benches, looking around the trees.

Zander smirked. He's not going anywhere now.

"Hey, Luke!" The purple haired boy yelled, and with confidence, he ran towards his boyfriend.

Luke's face went from a happy smile to a scared, nervous expression. He looked down and immediately stood up as he saw Zander, his hands were hehind his back like he was hiding something. "O-oh. Hey, Zander."

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