Chapter 5: Walking

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Sean laughed with the purple haired boy. They talked for such a long time, the skies turned to a pale blue color. Once Zander had noticed this his eyes slowly widened. "I-It's getting late." He said. "I better get back home."

The black haired boy grabbed his backpack with one hand and stood up. He put his hand out for Zander to grab it. "I can walk you to your house if it's not a bother."

Zander looked at his friend's hands. "Uh..sure." His cheeks turned pink in embarrassment and he gently grabbed the DJ's hands, and both of them walked together.


Once the two began walking, Sean noticed his friend zoning out. He kept quiet and looking down, and not on the streets. He kept sighing sadly to himself, hoping Sean wouldn't notice; but he did.

"Hey, Zander?" The black haired boy stopped walking and the pianist did the same. Sean titled his head onto Zander's level. "Are you okay?"

Zander looked up at the older boy. "Yeah, you told me that already."

Sean put a hand on his head. "Sorry, it's just..." his smile turned upside down. "I can't help but notice you looking down in the dumps ever since I saw you today. Did someone hurt you?"

"No..." Zander put his hands together. Without thinking, he mumbled. "I mean you could say that."

Sean raised his brow. "What do you mean?"

"Do you remember last year? The day where me and Luke-- you know--" Zander did hand gestures with his hands. It took a second before Sean knew what his purple haired pianist was talking about.

"Wait! That's this week!?" Sean smiled brightly. "Happy Early Anniversary!"

"Luke was the one who was suppost to say that..." Zander whispered. Sean looked at Zander and his expression changes.

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since these past weeks, Luke has been spending more time with Hailey than he does with me." Zander sighed angrily. "I would go to him but everytime I do, he keeps going back to Hailey and I don't wanna bother them- whatever they're doing!"

"Hey, man." Sean put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Hailey and Luke would never be the type to cheat."

"I know! But my brain is--"

"Zander. Just relax and breathe."

The purple haired boy did what he was told. Then, Sean continued. "I'm gonna tell you something. You'll never know but, you just have to trust Luke at whatever he is doing."

"And, what if he is actually..."

"Then me and Mr. Broom will kick is ass." Sean wicked. Zander's cheeks turned red in embarrassment. He didn't want to happen- but Sean trusts Zander and now, Zander trusts Sean. The black haired boy's expression relaxed. "Just trust your boyfriend and your sister. I'll try to help you with your trust issues, too. Because you already know you can trust me and Mr. Broom." Then he stopped and whispered. "Don't forget about Milly."

Unexpectedly, Zander wrapped his arms around the tall boy and whispered. "Thank you, Sean."

Sean smiled and returned the hug. "No problem."


"Milly, don't touch that!" The drummer kept the female guitarist out of his boyfriend's present.

The pink haired girl put her arms in the air like she was surrendering and touched the new piano one more time. Hailey leaned against the wall watching both of the duo bickering. She rolled her eyes. "I'm just glad you decided to help us. Just promise not to tell Zander; this surprise has been going long enough- it's killing me softly!"

Milly nodded in agreement. "I know right? I knew something was off about you two. For a second there, I thought you were cheating on Zander."

Luke crossed his arms and scoffed heavily. "I'd never do that."

"There is one thing you're stealing from Zander though." Hailey giggled. She gave a playful wink at her drummer friend. "It's me. You'd make a greater brother--if you know what I mean~"

The pink haired girl laughed hysterically. "Oh yeah!"

Luke's face turned bright red in all the attention. "I-I couldn't possibly-" he put a hand on his head- completely flustered.

"Oh don't get all shy!" Hailey smiled, holding up gun signs with her fingers. She winked playfully. "You just got to marry into it!"

Luke looked down and chuckled softly.

By the help of a friend and a future sister in law, he couldn't wait until this surprise of his and Zander's 1 year anniversary goes pleasantly well.

See? Sadie was right! XD

Just a question: did you really think Luke would cheat? Cuz there are plently of reasons why I didn't make him. One, being that I have a new story coming up and this one is almost done! Probably only 4 more chapters left and I am working on them.

You are probably wondering what the new story is...
Well- it's the new Choose Your Own Adventure story! (The title is called "Paws Out".) The bad news is: I'm probably not able to finish it in time because of school but I'm doing great on it!

Other news: Happy Autumn! I call it the 'lander season.' And I'm planning to make another lander month! (Im joking- ha ha- I would probably stress my butt off making another one.) Instead, I decided to remake one of my stories I didn't finish: Days Gone By. I'm gonna change the whole plot... It's only gonna be about Luke and this time; I will not make this October's story cheesy. Hopefully it's frightening and a little angsty hehe~

Hope you honeybuns enjoyed this part. Sorry if it was a bit rushed-- this part sucks in my opinion ;-;

But well, see you in the next one!~

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