Chapter 10: Hiding

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Zander rummaged from his bed, waking up as the bright yellow sun immediately catched his eye. He woke up, expected to be greeted by her younger sibling-- as usual.

Once his eyes began to open, he saw the bright smile of a 8 year old, waiting for him to wake up. "Time for school, egghead!" She beamed and wicked. Zander rubbed his eyes. "Oh, and someone left mail for you. He told me not to reveal his name and I never break a pinkie promise so I'm not telling you who he is!" When the ombre boy didn't respond, the purple haired girl gave the letter to her older brother and sang songed away from his room- getting ready for school.

The tired Zander finally woke up and opened the letter his younger sibling had give for him. Why the heck would someone give me an anonymous letter? Without thinking, he ripped the envelope and found a letter inside. He read to himself.

Hey Zander, me again. Can you go to your locker? There is something you have to see. I'm not telling you yet, but I promise it's worth it!


The pianist stared at the letter another time. He reread it again, just to make sure it wasn't a scam. This is Drew, isn'it...? He yawned and finally got out of bed. I better check my locker just to make sure.


Zander made his way downstairs and looked at the date on the calendar.

November 7.

It was the anniversary day. He pulled out the topaz necklace he finished with Drew yesterday and smiled to himself. The best part was: He did have one extra gift to give to Luke today- new drumsticks for his drums.


It was scary how Zander's tummy rumbled from nervousness. It wasn't because of yesterday- okay- maybe it was a little bit for yesterday, but because of the after school incident last year. Just don't run into English Classrooms after school next time.

"Alex?" Zander's mom called.

The ombre boy groaned at that nickname, but followed with a negative tone. "What is it, mom?"

"Your friend is waiting for you outside."

Zander raised a brow, then looked out the window to find the magenta haired boy smiling and waving to him. Unexpected, he waved back. Jake probably told him my address. Hopefully this doesn't happen on a daly basis...

He heard a female voice running down the stairs and catching her breath. "I'm here too!"

"Alright, come on, late girl."

"I'm not a late girl." Hailey huffed.

Zander rolled his eyes and shrugged. He grabbed her sister's shoulders and dragged her all the way to the exit. When the pianist opened the door, Hailey whispered into his brother's ear.

"I can't wait for today."

The ombre haired boy stopped for a moment and let her stepsister skip ahead of Drew. Ignoring, Zander turned to his mom and his little sister and gave a soft "goodbye." He closed the door in front of him and turned towards Drew.


There was the same autumn breeze from last year. Zander squeezed the bottom of his blazer.

"How did you know where I live?"

"Hailey and Luke told me to accompany you so, how could I say no?" Drew shrugged. He elbowed his friend and smirked. All of a sudden, he noticed how Zander was looking down and his expression changes. "Hey, you okay?"

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