Bonus: The other Gifts

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1. Its the end of school

2. You all deserve this

Slight warning: Horribly Written. ;-; But I tried my hardest to not completely rush ^^

Okay, okay. Try not to freak out when you see this. I promise that I wasn't spoiling you. It was Drew's idea." Zander held his boyfriend's hands, leading him to his room, blind folded.

"I promise I won't freak out. I mean... this wasn't your idea, right?" Luke laughed.

Zander's face turned red. It was kind of his idea. He was the one who agreed to go with Drew in the first place. He coughed nervously. "Okay, it was half of my idea."

Once Zander took off Luke's blindfolds, his eyes widened. "Oh. My. Rosy."

His room was surrounded with piles of clothes from expensive stores. There was also new drum kits from an expensive brands. "Zander, you did NOT have to do this."

He ran to the bed to touch all the clothes. Almost all of them were scarves the rest was red and purple jackets. It was all capable with seasons. But once he saw the drum kits, he flipped. "Wait.. IS THAT... LUKEWIG DRUMS?!" His eyes glowed like stars.

Zander confused, scratched his head. "Y-yeah. But, it isn't-"

"How did you know I've been craving these drum sticks since I was a kid?!" The auburn haired boy hugged the big box like a little kid, almost looking like he was crying.

"You did...? I actually did not know that..." Zander laughed. Luke going crazy over drum sticks was kind of adorable, his face turned a little red.

Luke stood up, grabbed his boyfriend's head, and kissed him on the forehead. He looked him in the eye; almost seriously. "I need you to marry me."

"Aw thank you- wait, wait, wait what?-" Zander was about to continue when he was interrupted by someone yelling from outside their room.

"Zander! You're gift from Luke is here!~"

"Oh, my goodness!" Luke gasped. He took the blindfold and quickly wrapped it around his boyfriend's eyes.


"Trust me, you are gonna love this present I got for you."

"I could barely see a thing..." Zander mumbled, complaning.

"Hey, Hailey! Can you bring the 'present' up here, please?" Luke smirked, holding his boyfriend between his arms just in case he won't fall.

"Okay!" Hailey responded. It went along with, "Oh gosh, you're so tiny!"

"Your..." Zander repeated. He chuckled nervously, "Luke, I know you said we were gonna get married someday, I wasn't expecting a baby for our anniversary..."

The auburn haired boy's face turned red. He mumbled. "As much as I want that to happen..." he coughed and got back on track. "It's not a baby, Zander. It's something else and I know you're gonna love him!"

Hailey opened the door, revealing the little 'gift' to Luke. The auburn boy held it and it made a little, tiny bark.

"Wait... what was that!?" Zander jumped.

Hailey chuckled softly. "You promise not to squeal?"

"Luke squealed with his gift. Why can't I?"

"That was not a squeal." Luke protested. "Screams are different than squeals, y'know."

"Okay, whatever. Just take off these blindfolds!" Zander groaned.

Once Luke took off his boyfriend's blindfolds, Zander's eyes widened. He put his hands over his mouth in shock. He gasped softly. What was in his sister's hands was a light brown little dog wagging it's tail. "Oh, my goodness! Oh! My! Goodness!"

"Do... do you like him?" Luke chuckled, scratching the back of his head.

"LUKE, OH, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!" Zander was just getting ready to squeal. His head was sweaty. The excitement, the shock. He didn't even know what to feel right now.

Hailey put the little dog in his brother's arms. "We worked really hard getting him for you. Luke especially."

The auburn boy hugged his drumsticks and nodded.

"Luke, you are the best boyfriend ever! I love you so much! You are the best! He's... he's so precious, I... IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE!" Zander finally squealed, cuddling the puppy and being careful not to squeeze the little thing too tight. "What breed is he? I-is it a pomeranian? Or..."

"Oh, yeah! He's actually a mix with Pomeranian and Golden Retriever," Luke smiled warmly.

Zander's face started to turn red. It's not because of embarassment or being flustered, but because of pure happiness. He sniffed and a little tear washed down his eye.

Hailey was the first to notice and she began to get worried. "Oh, Zander, Zan, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am..." Zander didn't look fine, but he was fine. He was more than fine. It was his happiest like when him and Luke confessed.

"You don't look fine." Holding the drumsticks, Luke put a strand of Zander's purple hair in the back of his ear. Then Luke cupped Zander's face. "Aw, you're kinda cute when you cry."

"Shut up, you're making me cry more." Zander sniffed.

"Shut up, you're making this too emotional and cheesy than it already is," Hailey continued with a half smile.

Luke chuckled. He looked at the dog and reluctantly changed the subject. "So, what are you gonna name him?"

"Oh, shoot, I haven't thought of that..." Zander looked around, trying to find names to give to the puppy, but couldn't find any. "What if you name it? You're the one that got it for me after all."

"I was thinking... " Luke crossed his arms. "Butter?"

"Butter." Zander held the puppy like a baby. "That suits you well, right, little one?"

Butter barked and wagged it's tail in response. Then again, Zander's heart melted even more. "Oh my goodness, you're gonna make me die."

"So, Zander..." Luke scratched his head. "About the marry thing..."

Hailey scoffed. "You have got to be kidding me."

"If you'd propose right now, I'm gonna say yes, okay?" Zander said.

"Me, too." Luke's eyes lit up.

The aqua haired girl put her hand up like she was surrendering. She laughed nervously. "Okay, I've had enough cheesiness for today. Goodluck, Butter." Hailey waved to the puppy and slowly exited out of the room.

Meanwhile, the couple hugged their second presents.

And it was offically one of the best days ever.

I think you all wanted to know what happened to their reactions to the 2nd present, so this one was fun to write hahaha

Hope you enjoyed the bonus chapter!~ ^^

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