Showing around PART 2

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" thanks Mrs. Vanpelt " Mr. Alonso said.
" know problem" I said.

Maddie's P.O.V: Exavier gave me his schedule, and I took a look to see what he has, mostly he has the same classes as me, but I stilled showed him anyways.
Cause there's know way,I'm going back to class, it's to boring.......

Exavier's P.O.V: I was just sitting on the chair, bored as usual, till this cutie came to the principal office, and I'm sure that she was giving me a tour.
And guess what, we mostly have the same schedule.
Maybe I'll try to make my move (😏)

Maddie's P.O.V: It's weird, that we have the same schedule mostly, but who cares, I don't even care .
" your science class is on the left, on the right side is your social studies class, your locker in behind you, your other classes are on the left or on your right, and the cafeteria is on the left, then straight and then right, just watch it, it's tasty taco Tuesday. " I said
" are you single ?" Exavier said
" uhhhh NO? " I said.
" oh well" Exavier said .

Maddie's P.O.V: the bell rings, and I went to my locker to get my stuff,the. I Heard a tap on my shoulder, I turned behind to see, regan?
We both Walked to class tomorrow,
And the panthers were happy and excited too.
" KOALAS YOU'RE BACK" sophie said .
" she meant Reagan you're back, good to have you back bff " katie said .
" good to have you guys back too" regan said .

Regan's P.O.V: It was passing period, and I saw Maddie, I walked behind, her and tapped her shoulder, and she looked behind me, and was really surprised that I was back!!!!.
Watch out iridium high, the fellow witch and Panther is back, and is ready to rule the whole school!!!!


Diego's P.O.V: It was 3rd period, and the announcements came on again.
" Diego Rueda Please report to the principals office Diego Rueda please report to the principals office, thank you".
Am I in trouble?
Even on the first day of school?
I hope he doesn't cancel the Sharks team just like mrs. Torres was about to do .
I got a pass and walked to the the principals office.

setting: principals office

Diego's P.O.V: I knocked on the door, " come in "principal alonso said .
I opened the door, and went inside, and closed it.
" yes principal Alonso" I said ?
" this is Evelyn I want you to show her around please "
" sure " I said

Evelyn's P.O.V: I was just sitting, there till this cute boy came in. He probably has a girlfriend anyways.

Diego's P.O.V: I took her schedule to see, what she has so I can show her around, what's with having the same schedule like everyone anyways ?
Oh well......
" you don't have to show me around, I can find my own way around"  Evelyn said.
" no, I can't all iridium high  students, are suppose to show all the new students everywhere in the whole school" I said.
" ok " Evelyn said
" hey do you smell that ? * sniffs the air* it's smells like a Kanay ". Evelyn said .
" let me guess.....
You're a witch " I said
She nodded her head .
" why is there so many witches in this school ? " Evelyn said .
I nodded.
My girlfriend is a witch I said .
Cool, regan nodded .

Regan's P.O.V: Soon the bell rang, and I Thanked the kanay, which his name was diego? I think . And walked to my 4th period class.

Gigi's P.O.V: This is Miss.Information, welcome back to a fresh new year iridium-mites, there's gonna be a lot of drama .
Let's start it off shall we ?
Whoever voted for JEMMA, you guys won, Jax and emma, are officially back together.
Daniel in other hand is single. Maybe Dia maybe ?
And we have 3 new students!!!
Exavier Delgado
The new cute.
It appears that Maddie  VanPelt, was giving him a tour of the whole school, or was she canoodling. Is this then end of miego ?
Also it appears that diego Rueda, my brother was showing, the new girl Evelyn around, were they also canoodling ?
It also appears that Reagan Velez has came back to iridium high.
Watch out for the 4 panthers.
Well this miss. Information and you have been miss. informed !!!.

Gigi's P.O.V: I may have put a few lies in there, WHOOPS!!!!
But at least I got 1000 views and now people are commenting new OTP'S
Ooooh New OTP'S, this is gonna be a hit years.

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