Couple Months Later

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Emma's P.O.V: It's been a couple months since andi is still in the coma. I visit her everyday after school at the hospital. Graduation is in a week, we have to prepare our speeches, get ready to move to iridium college and it's been so stressful on me.
Phillip stopped eating
Maddie stopped criticizing everyone
The panthers always cry
Jax is always quiet
Daniel is always sad
Mia won't budge
Could this get any worse ?

After school I started to walk to the hospital, I had my headphones on listening to music as I entered the door. I took the elevator too level 3 and waited couple seconds till it dinged and walk out to andi's room seeing her eyes still closed as I sighed once again......

Andi's P.O.V: WAKE UP ANDI I screamed to myself
It's so hard to open my eyes, everybody is so down I just have too open my eyes and tell them that I'm okay.
" hey andi candy " she says laughing quietly
Hey em
" miss Lancaster is assigning us a projects on world war 2 and I brought the papers for you even though you don't normally do it"
Ugh Miss Lancaster she's knows me so well
" Anyways graduation is in a week"
I know and my eyes won't budge
" I can't graduate with out my best friend by my side" she cries
I know em I'm trying I really em....

Emma's P.O.V: " emma ?" I heard as I wiped my tears away
" andi?" I say my voice barely audible
" where am I ?" She asked
" your in the hospital, you were in a coma for 3 months today is May 24 2016 ( A/N Ik were in January ) we graduate on the 29th I cried
" oh my god " she whispers " em get me out of here now" she says
" I gotthu best friend " I laugh

* Emma's house*
" why are we even here ?" Maddie says quietly
" because it's a surprise " I hushed smiling
" why are you even smiling andi is in the hospital " Katie snapped
" Oh really ?" I say " Andi ?" I shouted as she popped out of the closet
As Phillip started to cry and so does everyone else

Andi's P.O.V: " Phillip ? Why are you so thin ?" I questioned
" I thought you were dead andi he whispered as a tear rolled down his cheek
" Phillip it's okay now I'm here and I'll never leave your side I promise "
" promises ?"
" promise " I say as I hugged him tightly........

Double update ?
One more chapter till the end ?
Sequel ?
Awwww that phandi moment doe 😿😻

So what do you guys think a triple update and a sequel ? Comment 👇

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