Party or Drama Part 2 Snake tattoo

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Emma's P.O.V: I was surprised that we were hold hostage again, by another kanay.

" come on guys lets just go " Andi said .
" any of you guys move, and I'll have to throw a fire ball right between your eye" Exavier said

Emma's P.O.V: " What are we gonna do" I asked while whispering
" uhhh, just stand here, you don't wanna mess with a Kanay's Rage." Mia said .
" well he dosen't have the " El Cristal De Caballreo " so Emma can't you just make a shield or something " . Andi said
" he's a dark Kanay, If you try to make a move then your done " mia said in a sarcastic way.
" wait. Isn't he from your tribe? " Daniel asked
" no " mia said .
" what are we gonna do ?" Regan and Evelyn asked .
" what I'm gonna do is get out of here" Jax,Daniel,Diego and phillip said at the same time .

Exavier threw something which way black dust onto them , as they fell onto the ground.

" DIEGO!!!!!" Maddie screamed as she rushed to his side .
" JAX!!!!" Emma screamed as he rushed to him .
" DANIEL " Mia screamed As she came to his side .
" PHILLIP" Andi and Reagan screamed as they rushed to his side .

Maddie's P.O.V: tears dropped down to my cheek, while I shaking diego .
" wake up " I screamed . " don't do this to me now " I cried .

Emma's P.O.V: I casted a spell to make Jax awake. But he wouldn't even wake up .
Tears flowed down to my cheek, while I was crying while I put my head onto his chest .

Mia's P.O.V: My heart was ripped to pieces , like someone shredded it and just threw it away in the trash . Or they shattered it .
I look to see my daniel onto the floor .
Tears came down, while I was sobbing my eyes out .

Andi's P.O.V: even though he found someone else, my heart just dropped, and I started to cry when I saw him .
If I could take anything back, it would be this day .
I sat there sobbing and holding onto his hand .

Regan's P.O.V: I was shaking phillip, but he didn't manage to even wake up .
Everyone was crying, and I was even crying.
" wake up phillip " me and Andi said at the same time, while we're sobbing our eyes out .

Andi's P.O.V: I examined phillip, before I stopped sobbing.

" guys...." I said .
" yeah " they all said .
" look at there neck " Andi said .
" there's a snake tattoo " Mia Said .
" what does the snake represent? " Katie asked
" I don't know " I said .
" I know " emma whispers .
" what is it " Evelyn asked wiping her tears .
" venom" emma said .
" your right " Maddie said .

Emma's P.O.V: I went back to my room, to get the hexeron.
It had couple parts about Kanays and there tribes .
I hoped there was something about the " snake print " . I grabbed it and went back
The hexeron flipped the pages to the tribe markings and went to the " snake print "
I skimmed to it quickly and it talked about how there can be a potion .
That can heal it only the chosen one can heal .
It talked about a " turquoise healing plant " that can heal the " snake print " and the person could be awoken .

" guys, I think I know what we have to do " I told them .
" what is it then?" Regan and sophie said .
" we have to go to a island to get this turquoise plant that can heal them " I said .
" let's all go " they suggested .
" Reagan, Evelyn,sophie, and katie, need to stay with the boys " I suggested

They all nodded in agreement and tomorrow would me the most important journey of our lives.........

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