Awkward Reunion

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"Ah.. so that's why. Quite shocking if I must say, I'm really sorry." Hu Tao said as she peeked out of the tree, seeing that Childe was near the small fountain.

"You should say hi-"

"No, I don't think I'm ready.." Zhongli cuts her sentence off as he peeks out from the opposite side of the tree, being a bit more hidden unlike Hu Tao who was dangling onto the trunk.

"You don't think so? C'mon it wont hurt to try!" Hu Tao said while pushing Zhongli to the side, making him unhidden. She began pushing Zhongli towards the direction of Childe who was facing away, not knowing that two familiar people are going up to him.

Childe heard footsteps and quiet arguing from behind and looked back to see a flustered Zhongli in front of him. Hu Tao giggled as she skipped away to hide once more, you can't even trust her to stay with you for a split second- She always manages to run off somewhere far when you're not looking.

"Aha- uhm- didn't expect to... see you here!" The Harbinger stuttered, still feeling like he was about to collapse. "It has been a while." Zhongli said while rubbing the back of his head, the conversation is already awkward to begin with.

"Y'know.. I was pretty worried about you, again. Why did you leave out of nowhere for the second time?! It's been way too long since you disappeared, Zhongli! Childe said as he stared directly at the other's eyes. "I'm fine-" Zhongli and Childe both heard a feminine voice from the side of them. "Hey Childe! I'm finished with my paper... work..?" Valicity said while slowing down her pace. Zhongli turned his head around and moved to the side, confused about who the woman is.

Childe laughed nervously, "This is my friend Valicity, We met not long ago." Valicity waved at Zhongli and later gave Childe a huge embrace.

At the corner of Zhongli's eyes, Valicity had a evil-ish smirk on her face which made him suspicious. "Nice to meet you too.." The Ex-Archon said with a not-so noticeable frown on his face, He didn't feel too well around the woman.

"We should head out to my apartment!" Valicity said to 'lighten' up the mood. Childe agreed and was abruptly dragged away by the girl, "You can follow us! We can wait by......" Childe yelled back to Zhongli but it was fading out as he kept moving further away swiftly.

Hu Tao came out of the bush she was in, walking up to Zhongli which he looked annoyed, "Jeez, that girl seems... shady. And quite pushy don't you agree?" the Funeral Parlor Director sighed as Zhongli nodded quietly. "You should catch up though, we can meet up later!" Hu Tao said while nudging the taller one's arm, she didn't want the others waiting.

Zhongli waved goodbye to Hu Tao and managed to catch up with the other two, he practically knows the whole city unless there is unknown construction happening of course.

- - -

The trio stopped by an apartment that Valicity lives in, it was pretty popular amongst rich people. "Looks like we're here, I'll lead us to my room." The doors slide open and the cold breeze softly hitted against them, It was kind of comforting.

They made it to a room on the second floor, Valicity unlocked the door and the others entered in slowly. "Feel free to do anything-" As soon as she said that, Childe tossed himself onto the couch and sighed in relief. Zhongli chuckled proceeding to sit near him, though Valicity quickly sat between the two.

"Anyways.. I didn't clearly hear you once you left, though I luckily managed to find you instantly. Had a strong feeling you two were heading here." Zhongli said. "Ah, sorry. But don't worry about that! At least you know your ways right?" Childe laughed as he ran his fingers through his semi-messy hair.

Valicity hugged Childe's arm as the two men talked about random topics, specifically mora related things. "Listen, I just happen to forget easily." Zhongli scoffed, "You have a sharp mind, how does that even happen?" Childe softly scolded while his smile grew wide.

After a minute or so, Valicity's telephone rang. She got startled and got up to answer it, the voice talked about how there will be more things to work on as usual. Valicity groaned and placed the handset down, slowly walking to her room which is full of books.. almost similar to the library in Mondstadt if it was much smaller and decorated.

As the door of the room closed, Zhongli sighed. Childe stared at him confusingly, "Listen, Valicity doesn't seem very nice than she appears." Zhongli moved near Childe, crossing his arms as he closed his eyes.

"You're probably just jealous, hm?" Childe stared at Zhongli who was lightly blushing, "No I'm not, just skeptical." Zhongli covered up his embarrassed laugh with a small cough.

Childe crossed his legs on the couch, faced his body towards Zhongli, and reached out for his chin to make it easier to see the other's face. Childe cupped his right hand onto Zhongli's cheek and rubbed it with his thumb, "It might turn out alright, trust me on this one. Besides, you barely met her, why not give it a chance?" The Harbinger said with a soft smile, he could tell Zhongli's heart was pounding rapidly.

"If you say so... though I still have a hunch that something bad will happen." Zhongli sighed disappointingly, looking to the side to avoid eye contact. Childe turned back to let go of Zhongli and putted his legs back down. Shortly after, he felt something rest against his shoulder. He smiled and rested his head against Zhongli, his hair was pretty soft which made him comfortable to take a short nap.

They never done this before, it was nice. Although it felt a bit weird, it's heartwarming.
Just friends being friends of course.

[HIATUS] Some Childe x Zhongli stuff, I don't have any other ideas for a title.Where stories live. Discover now