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(Page will contain a few photos!)

For the time being, Zhongli nursed himself back to normal health and kept an eye on his leg as it continued to heal. He also went through a temporary change in how Zhongli had to live. This goes for making a 'comfortable' home, being cautious about his safety, hunting for his own food— although its proven to be unnecessary, Zhongli had to regain energy some other way.
He had to go endure neutral weathers including hot days, light rain showers, and more. It was hellish for a while until the final week rolled by.

"It has been three weeks ever since my disappearance... and in those weeks, I've cut out all connections to everyone I'm close this. It's a shameful act but I should be back by now. I'll come back with a full apology... eventually." Zhongli mumbled to himself, he was temporarily living in a small cave that was in a mineshaft for a while. It was difficult to enter the little entrance of the hideout since his broken leg was in the way while swimming through the water.

 It was difficult to enter the little entrance of the hideout since his broken leg was in the way while swimming through the water

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Zhongli took off the cast on his leg which was now healed but it still needs a few more checkups here and there to make sure. It's best to double check after all. He felt nice to stand on two legs again and begun to stretch his body. Zhongli's muscles seemed to move more smoothly now considering his movements have been stiff in the past.

The Ex-Archon dusted his clothes from any dirt. In all honesty, Zhongli didn't look too shabby although it looks as if he fought four cats on catnip. He stopped slacking around and went out of the mine, becoming drenched in water once more. Luckily with no monsters around, Zhongli proceeds to teleport to one of his statues near Liyue, walking on stone paths that lead toward a few flight of stairs.

After a few minutes, the orange colored lights of Liyue can be seen from afar. It brought tears into Zhongli's eyes, he missed the city very much along with the citizens and friends who live there.

Zhongli walks down the trail after the flight of stairs, soon to be greeted by the wooden bridge that connects to Liyue at the end. It was really relieving to be back at home, many people that were very close to him were concerned and worried about Zhongli's absence.

He walked nearby Wangshen Funeral which Hu Tao was by the entrance, supposedly she waited there ever since Zhongli disappeared for the first week.

The Ex-Archon turns his head to look around the place but spots Hu Tao and approaches up to her. She was asleep while leaning on the wall, almost about to fall down. "Why would you sleep outside..?" Zhongli sighed while sitting Hu Tao down so she won't get hurt.

Despite the distaste towards Hu Tao's personality, he always cared for her deep inside and usually because Zhongli doesn't want to see any of his friends being injured.

Zhongli shook Hu Tao's shoulder, later to be woken up. She was a bit startled but as soon as her eyes focused on the world around her, Hu Tao started to tear up. "Wh- How? Zhongli? Is that really you?" Hu Tao reached out two of her arms in an attempt to hug Zhongli.

The other nodded as he grabbed onto Hu Tao's hands, putting them on his shoulder. "I'm truly sorry for making you worried, I was just... dealing with something that has been happening between me and another individual.." Zhongli said while wiping away the tears from Hu Tao's cheeks.

- - -

The both of them talked about different topics for a while, Zhongli didn't mind her childishness this time. "And then- pfft haha!— You can't believe what happened next!" Hu Tao said while holding onto the side of her body due to laughter.

"Hah... usually you get annoyed by this sort of stuff, what's up?" Hu Tao paused her laughter while raising one eyebrow.

"Oh shut up. wI'm trying to be nice, enjoy it while it lasts." Zhongli playfully punched Hu Tao, "Any-who, I should go somewhere to dry myself. You should've noticed by now."

Zhongli didn't expect Hu Tao to drag him to Wanmin Restaurant as soon as he stood up. Everything was a bit too all over the place and sudden for Zhongli to take in and process. This made the inside of his head blank and appear with slightly wide open eyes and a small smile on his face. He was almost like a statue.

"Oh.. my bad." Hu Tao said while snapping her fingers near Zhongli's face. She stopped momentarily once there was no response coming from the other and ordered a few chicken mushroom skewers, continuing to drag Zhongli around once she received the food.

She made Zhongli sit down on the table that he always sits at to drink or eat. "Now I just have to wait for him to snap out of it!" Hu Tao says as she eats the skewers without waiting for the zoned out Zhongli.

What felt like a long time, Zhongli shakes his head to find out that there was a plate of skewers in front of him and a familiar face

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What felt like a long time, Zhongli shakes his head to find out that there was a plate of skewers in front of him and a familiar face. "Ahem... how long was I like that?" Zhongli blurted while staring at Hu Tao embarrassingly, "For six minutes— don't ask how I managed to count it— I just did. Maybe I have too much time on my hands!" She winked while pushing the plate forwards.

Zhongli picked up the stick and began to eat, the food was surprisingly still warm. Maybe Hu Tao was the one behind that, though that didn't bother him in the slightest.

Hu Tao couldn't help but stare near Yanshang Teahouse, she felt like someone was going to pay a visit with them very soon.

- - -

Childe tiredly sat near the ledge of a bridge, looking down at the water below him. One wrong move and he will plummet to the bottom.

He yawned as he got off the railing, continuing to walk to the Adventurers Guild. Childe passed by Yanshang, not noticing Hu Tao and Zhongli in the distance.

Hu Tao tapped Zhongli on his shoulders, gesturing out that Childe was walking nearby by looking at him and the other.

The Ex-Archon became nervous and knew who it was in an instant. Hu Tao sighed and got up from her seat, she went to pay for the food and grabbed onto Zhongli's arm, pulling him further away from the area to speak with the stubborn individual.

Hu Tao and Zhongli were behind a tree and she grabbed onto the taller one's shoulders. The deep glare from Hu Tao made Zhongli shiver.

"Tell me."

"And why should I?"

"Did you and Childe get into a fight again? About what? Is it that important to keep it a secret? C'mon!!"


The both of them just stood in silence for a little, Zhongli was not budging at all.

"Listen, I'm probably being too hasty here but at least tell me something- you can always trust me!" Hu Tao said while letting go of Zhongli so he can relax for a tiny bit.

The Parlor Director was patient enough for the other to answer... and so he did.

[HIATUS] Some Childe x Zhongli stuff, I don't have any other ideas for a title.Where stories live. Discover now