U walk into the tattoo shop to get a tattoo when a cute boy enters to get a tattoo as well But he isn't alone he has four boys with him read to find out what happens
Graces POV I get up and remember I am getting a tattoo with Fran I go to her room and enter Grace-Fran get up it's tattoo time She gets up fast Franny-let's go I want the tattoo now Grace-ok just get changed Franny-ok She goes to the restroom I go to my room and change to this
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Franny changes to this
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Then we put on air forces and get in the car After 10 minutes we arrive and enter (name of tattoo shop) (the guys name is gonna be mike) Mike-hi guys I'm mike what can I do for u Grace-we made an appointment for a tattoo under the name grace Luna Mike-for grace Luna and franny arrieta? Grace-yes Mike-ok matching tattoos right Franny nods Grace-on our ankles Mike-ok come with me just sit down I'll do grace first then franny Grace-ok Franny-ok I go and sit down and he begins doing the tattoo after he finishes he does franny then once we both are done I take a Instagram photo
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Pretty.Gracie-me and @franny_arrieta got matching tattoos by @mike_tattooshop Fran got the rocket I got the outer space one 345,535 liked this post Comments- Gracie_fan1-u know there are best best friends when they get matching tattoos and this is where wdw get their tattoos at @whydontwemusic Imzachherron-nice tattoo Pretty.Gracie^thanks Whydontwefan-omg Zach commented View the 372,783 more comments _____________________ Grace-ok let's pay mike how much is it Mike-just $25 Franny-I'll pay grace Grace-nope I'm paying see I already put my card Franny groans Franny-u have to let me pay sometimes to I just shake my head no Grace-nope I'm always gonna pay Franny-no ur not She kept telling me she was gonna pay me back but she stopped and looked at someone behind me so I turn around and OMG he is so hot he has brunette hair and he has brown eyes franny whispered to me Franny-ooh girl he cute I smiled and turned back to mike Mike-his name is corbyn Grace-why are u telling me I giggle Mike-u were staring Grace-omg well thank u for the tattoo I'll be back when I want another one Mike-ok see you guys whenever u come for another tattoo We wave bye and walk past the boys oh yeah he came in with other boys it wasn't just him We enter the car and someone comes and knocks on the window which makes me jump I see out the window and see a boy that was inside Grace-um hello ??-hi my name is Jonah and I was wondering if my friend that u were staring at can have your number Grace-u saw me stare ? Jonah-yup u drooled to Grace-did I really drool Jonah-nah I'm just playing u didn't drool u just stared so can he Grace-uh yea sure here is my number I gave him my number on a piece of paper Jonah-thanks Grace-yea np bye Jonah-bye He goes inside Franny-he was cute but I liked the other one next to your manz Grace-he isn't my manz and the one with blonde hair Franny-yea him with blonde hair Grace-u got a crush Franny-so do u anyway let the Tesla drive itself to the house so we can look at other tattoos Grace-ok I put the Tesla to self drive And we started thinking of ideas for tattoos Grace-ooh what about if we get a tattoo like mine would be 1999 and yours 1997 we could get like the year we were born and the second one the words keep me safe and keep me wild for u keep me safe and I'll get keep me wild Franny-I like that should we go back Grace-yes I drive to the (name of tattoo shop) And we enter the boys are still there Mike-u guys are back u want another tattoo already Grace-yea I want two more and Fran does to Mike-ok what would u like Grace-for the first one right here on the side of my stomach it will be 1999 Mike-ok so the year u were born I nod Mike-and Fran Franny-I would like it next to my wrist 1997 Mike-ok and the other tattoo Grace-it would be next to our thumb hers would be keep me safe and mine would be keep me wild Mike-ok corbyn since theirs is faster can I do theirs first Corbyn-yea do theirs first Mike-ok grace come here I sit down and he does the tattoos it's takes about 10 minutes for both of mine now it's frannys turn it took mike 10 minutes to finish hers Grace-I love it Franny-me too insta time
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Pretend they are in the tattoo shop Pretty.Gracie-so um I got another one and then I got one more with franny thanks mike I love them @mike_tattooshop 456,637 liked this post Comments off
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Franny_arrieta-i love it thanks mike @mike_tattooshop 345,637 liked this post Comments off
Franny-and now the other one
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Pretty.Gracie-here is the other matching one I love it so much 467,567 liked this post Comments off ______________________ Grace-how much Mike-it's supposed to be $35 but since u guys came already I'll leave it to $25 Grace-no mike if it's $35 I'll pay that much here is my card Franny-ok u paid the first time let me pay now Grace-no I'm not letting u pay I put my card and I put it back in my wallet Grace-thanks so much Mike-ur welcome hopefully u guys come back Grace-we will don't worry We exit and get in the car and drive home and watch a movie in the movie theater room (I forgot to put it in the pictures of the house but their house has a movie theater room) Grace-an unknown number texted me Franny-it might be corbyn ur crush Grace-shut up Fran I answer the text
Unknown-hey Grace-who is this Unknown-it's corbyn u gave Jonah ur number to give it to me Grace-oh yeah what's up Corbs-well first off I want to get to know you so how old are u Grace-22 u Corbs-23 what's ur name Grace-grace Corbs-what's ur favorite color Grace- teal u Corbyn-white and black Grace-cool Corbs-are u home Grace-yes why? Corbs- I was wondering if me and the boys can go over to just hang out. Grace-sure I guess I'll send u the address Corbs-ok Grace-(random address) Corbs-thanks I'll be there in 5 Read at 11:30am
Grace-the guys are coming Franny-which guys Grace-from the tattoo shop stupid Franny-oh ok Five minutes later u hear the doorbell ring U go open it Grace-hi Corbyn -ur rich rich if u live here Grace-yea u can say im rich Jonah-hey Gracie Grace-hey hoenah Jonah-oh u did not just call me that Grace-I came up with it 5 minutes ago ??-hi I'm jack this is Daniel and that's Zach Grace-nice to meet u I'm grace come in Jonah-wait is it ok if we invite our girlfriends Grace-oh ur all taken? Jonah-no just me Zach and jack are taken ur manz is single and frannys man is single Grace-hes not my man Jonah-yet He laughs Grace-and yes u can invite them Jonah-cool He texted them and they are on there way Grace-so come in frannys in the movie theater room Zach-whoa a movie theater room Jack-lucky we wanted a movie theater room at our house Grace-well it's over here come I take them to the movie theater room they greet Fran and sit down after a few minutes their girlfriends arrived ??-hi I'm Tate ??-im Gabbie this is Kay ??-nice to meet you Grace-nice to meet u guys so I'm grace and this is franny Kay-so which movie we watching U choose a movie and fall asleep then it's the next day