U walk into the tattoo shop to get a tattoo when a cute boy enters to get a tattoo as well But he isn't alone he has four boys with him read to find out what happens
3 days later It's been like 4 days with corbyn gone and I have been ignoring him he texts me I just read them and don't answer same with the other boys because I regret having sex with gio I can't tell corbyn he will leave me I get a snap from Daniel but first I'm wearing this outfit
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With a messy bun and some white Gucci sandals
Blue eyes sent you a snap
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Blue eyes-can u answer his texts he isn't focused on tour Graciegrey-I'm sorry I can't answer him I did something I regret so much and if I tell him or u guys he is gonna leave me and ur gonna leave me to cuz ur his friends Blue eyes-whatever u did can't be that bad Graciegrey-I had sex with someone Blue eyes-omg Gracie that is not ok Graciegrey-I was drunk Tate brought me to the club and I had to much to drink Blue eyes-u better hurry up and tell corbyn cuz whenever he tells me why ur not answering him I'll spill it out Graciegrey-please don't tell him I'll do it Blue eyes-do it fast
Messages- My bean🥰 Gracie🥵 Gracie🥵-hey corbyn My bean🥰-omg are u ok u haven't answered me Gracie🥵-I haven't answered because I did something the day u left My bean🥰- ur scaring me what did u do Gracie🥵-Tate brought me to a club I got drunk and had sex with a guy I'm sorry I really regret it Read at 4:05 pm Gracie🥵-I'm sorry corbyn I really am Read at 4:07 pm Gracie🥵-corbyn answer me I can see u read these Delivered Gracie🥵-fine don't answer Delivered I sit there crying until my phone rings I check and it's corbyn I declined the call and turn my phone off then I get messages My bean🥰-I'm sorry I overreacted u were drunk at least u told me what happened Read at 4:10 pm Corbyns POV I can't focus on tour because I texted grace and she just reads them and doesn't respond then she texts me and what she says breaks my heart she had sex with another guy but she said she was drunk I overreacted and left her on read then I text her and she just read it I mean I deserve it because I left her on read Graces POV I'm just wiping my tears when I get a message from Catherine (paiz) Messages- Cathy💛 Ace🖤 Cathy💛-hey ace(your nickname) Ace🖤-what's up Cathy Cathy💛-me and Austin wanted to go out without the kids and u know how u love Elle and alaia so much Ace🖤-yes? What do u need Cathy💛-can u babysit both of them for like 3 days Ace🖤-ofc I will, bring them NOW I NEED TO SEE THEM Cathy💛-okay omw I packed their clothes already Ace🖤-oh so u planned this out already 😂? Cathy💛-yes😂 Ace🖤-just bring them Read at 4:15 pm After 10 minutes they arrive I get Elijah and go outside then I hear Elle Elle-aunt grace yes we are with aunt grace alaia we are with the best aunt ever I laugh then get close to the car Catherine-thank u so much and omg Elijah I haven't seen him in forever give me him I gave Elijah to Catherine and I took out Elle and alaia and their suitcases Elle-I missed u so much auntie Grace-I missed u too and I missed u alaia I hug Elle then alaia Austin-grace get Elijah Catherine is gonna want a baby boy Catherine-to late I already want one I laugh then take Elijah Elle gets her suitcase and alaia has hers they walk in the house I wave bye to Catherine and Austin Then go inside Grace-put ur stuff in my room over here I take them to my room and they set it on the bed and lay down Grace-when it's sleep time Elle is sleeping with me and alaia on the other side Elle-ok picture with Elijah Grace-ok Pretend Elijah is steel mcbroom And that's the clothes they are wearing
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Pretty.Gracie-I'm babysitting Elle and alaia for 3 days im so happy thank u Catherine for texting me 😁 788,756 liked this post Comments- Corbynbesson-cute babies Seaveydaniel-they are so fucking cute I can't Franny_arrieta-when the fuck did they get here ? Pretty.Gracie-right now😊 Franny_arrieta-im coming to your room to help u babysit User-aww User-so cute Tatedoll-Jonah I want kids Jonahmarais-whoa Tate calm down ____________________ Franny bursts into the room and carries Elle then alaia Elle-hi auntie franny Franny-hi baby I'm ur favorite auntie right Elle-my favorite auntie is aunt grace Franny-what I laugh Grace-I mean I am the best Franny-yea I know and a surprise is downstairs Grace- a surprise? Franny-yea go downstairs give me Elijah Grace-ok I give her Eli then go down and I see