Chapter 17 you and jonah have been dating!

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I go on my phone and watch tiktoks

I scroll through tiktoks until I find a edit of corbyn and me I like the video and scroll then a body hovers over me I look up from my phone and it's jack
Grace-what are u doing
Jack-just hovering over my girlfriends body
Grace-well I was watching tiktoks
Jack-damn moody
Grace-don't call me moody I'm not moody
Jack-yes u are
Daniel-your always moody
I give him a death glare
Jack sits down next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder I take it off
Grace-get your arm off
Jack puts his arm again
Grace-ok nope I can't do this I'm going home Bailey u can get a ride from your crush mr Jonah
Bailey-wait before u go we have news
Grace-what is it?
Jonah-well me and Bailey have been dating for four months now
Grace-I'm sorry what
Bailey-yea four months
Grace-and u couldn't bother telling me
I leave the house and get in my car
And put this song
Put your records on -Ritt Momney
And head to baileys house

Sorry for short chapter

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