U walk into the tattoo shop to get a tattoo when a cute boy enters to get a tattoo as well But he isn't alone he has four boys with him read to find out what happens
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Bailey greens played by Hannah meloche she is 22(again pretend) Recap: I go down and see corbyn
Present- Grace-what are u doing here? Corbyn-I just had to come back ok I love u I don't care if u had sex with him because that was a mistake U were drunk Grace-yea it was a mistake but u still have 2 months of tour why are u here Corbyn-I told them I can't be on tour I had to come be with you and they let me go Grace-u left just for me Corbyn-yes I will do anything for u I hug him and kiss him Grace-I love u Corbyn-I love u too and I have good news Grace-what Corbyn-I broke up with Christina on the way here Grace-so we can announce it to the internet Corbyn-yes baby we can Grace-well come on let's take a picture
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Corbynbesson-meet my girlfriend Grace Ava Luna❤️ 876,692 liked this post Comments- Pretty.Gracie-how tf do u know my middle name Corbynbesson-I have my ways User-yes omg yes this is finally happening User-my parents Franny_arrieta-come over to your room Elle wants her "favorite" aunt Pretty.Gracie-^im going Catherinepaiz-u guys are so cute __________________ Grace-ok come u have to meet Elle and alaia Corbyn-ok let's go to ur room He puts his suitcases down and picks me up and runs to the room I scream because he just picked me up and ran Elle-put her down Corbyn-this is my girlfriend why do I have to put her down Elle-she is my sister Grace-I thought I was ur aunt Elle-right she is my aunt ha I win Corbyn-ok whatever I'm corbyn Elle-and I'm Elle this is alaia Corbyn-u guys are so cute Elle-thank u very much now mister u hurt my aunt I hurt u Corbyn-can she really beat me up Grace-she can't but her dad can Corbyn-ok and I wasn't planning on hurting her He turns me around and makes my legs wrap around his waist and he holds me I take my phone and take a picture
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Pretty.Gracie-he is a butt grabber @corbynbesson and don't look at the mess of clothes on the floor and when I took this pic Elle wanted to get me away from him😂❤️ 756,983 liked this post Comments- User-they are so fkn cute Franny_arrieta-i can confirm Elle trying to get her away from him Corbynbesson-I love u🥺❤️ Pretty.Gracie-I love you too❤️🤤 Bailey_greenz-love u corbyn Pretty.Gracie-who tf are u^ Bailey_greenz-his ex Corbynbesson-go away Bailey I don't want u to ruin this relationship I'm happy stop trying to ruin that Bailey_greenz-ill see u soon bean Pretty.Gracie-only I get to call him bean ____________________ Grace-Girls let's go get ice cream Elijah come here bubba Franny-is it cuz of this girl named Bailey aka corbyns ex Grace-yes she will do anything to get together with corbyn so I'm scared I'm gonna lose him Corbyn-u aren't gonna lose me I'm coming with u to get ice cream Grace-ok wait corbyn Corbyn-yes love Grace-promise me that you won't love another girl except me Corbyn-of course u are the only girl I love now but in a few years I'll love another girl Grace-what do u mean Corbyn-she'll call u mommy Grace-aww corbyn I love u Corbyn-I love u too He kisses me Franny-I'm sorry to interrupt but u wanted to take the kids to get ice cream Grace-right let's go I get the kids and put them in my car (Catherine gave me a car seat for alaia) Grace-ready Elle-yes Corbyn-let's go Corbyn drives when it's a red light I take a picture of us
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Pretty.Gracie-on our way to get ice cream and @bailey_greenz don't come anywhere near corbyn I'll fucking beat u up I don't need u trying to take him away please and thank u😁 976,737 liked this post Comments- User-yes tell her to stay away User-periodt User-queen User-anyone who tries to get my parents apart are dead meat _____________________ Grace-I love ur fans Corbyn-I love them too Soon we arrive and get ice cream then go back home