Chapter 14 Hospital

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I wake up in a unfamiliar room then someone walks in
Franny-how u feeling
Grace-where am I
Franny-hospital corbyn pushed u hard u hit ur face on the sidewalk and it kinda hit ur stomach too
Grace-is my baby ok
Franny-i don't know grace they haven't said anything
Tate comes into the room
Tate-ur awake finally
Grace-please tell me my baby is ok
Tate- I can't say anything about that
Everyone else comes In including corbyn
Grace-get him away please
Corbyn-Gracie I'm so sorry I was mad
Grace-get him away
He sits down on a chair and so does Daniel Zach jack Jonah the girls are by my side then the doctor comes in
Doctor may-hey grace how u feeling
Grace-great and my baby
Doctor may-I'm here because I have bad news
Grace-no my baby's gone isn't she
Doctor may nods and I start crying
Grace-this is ur fault corbyn if u didn't push me this wouldn't have happened
Kay-ok grace look it's ok 
Grace- it's ok? Are u serious this is not ok my baby is gone
Gabbie-yes we know and we are all sad
Daniel-hey grace
Grace-I should have never agreed to date u in secret otherwise this wouldn't have happened
Daniel-yea I know I'm sorry I was drunk when I asked u
Two more people walk In
Grace-I'm fine nurse and I'm fine doctor
??-we aren't ur nurse or doctor we are ur parents
Grace-no my parents are dead
??-we faked it because there was these people who wanted to kill us so we grabbed our stuff then went far away and faked it
Grace-do u know how much u made me cry because I thought u Guys were dead now u come in here and tell me u faked it
Kate(Luna) ur mother
Peter (Luna) ur father
Kate-yes and we are sorry but look we are here now
Peter-yea so u won't be alone now
Grace-I'm not alone I have my friends and my son I don't want u guys with me I don't want u guys near Elijah or my friends just stay away u can't just come back and think everything is ok between us because it will never be ok
Kate-I guess we should go Peter
Peter-yea it was nice to see u franny and u new friends
Then they walk out
I start crying
Grace-they think they can come back into my life after faking their death nope never I don't need them now I don't need them ever
Corbyn-I need fresh air I just can't believe she's gone
I ignore him
Grace-can I leave call the nurse please
Franny-yea I'll call the nurse
She leaves and I start to get up
Franny-hey so she said u can go home so get changed
I go to the restroom and get changed to my clothes then head out
Franny-come on in our car
I follow them out and just sit quietly in the car
Daniel-so um what should we do when we get home
Jonah-just shut up and grace we don't wanna be your friend u hurt our best friend and Daniel ur a part of the band so we forgive you
Grace-just take me home
He arrives
Jonah-oh and ur kicked out of the house
Zach-wait we didn't agree on that
Jack-grace u stay
Corbyn-she can stay
Grace-no don't worry I'll leave
I get out and go inside and pack my things
Tate-u don't have to go
Grace-ur boyfriend hates me so yes I do
Grace-oh and I know why I lost my baby it wasn't when corbyn pushed me I smoked with Daniel yesterday corbyn saw the pack of cigarettes but I told him they were my friends and I was watching them for her but actually it was Daniels and I started to get tears cause I was lying  to him
Tate-wow so u killed your own baby
Grace-it was wrong ok I-I-I love corbyn with all my heart but hell I wasn't ready to have a baby with him I was at first but I changed my mind
Tate-just pack and leave
I finish packing my clothes and go to the living room
Grace-bye have a great life
Franny-come live with me in my new apartment please
Grace-no franny I need to be alone please
I hug her and tears come
Grace-I love u all
I gave each of them a hug except Jonah
Grace-have a great fucking life
I exit and get in my car and go to baileys house
I soon arrive
I knock
Bailey-why are u here
Grace-I'm sorry I just don't have any where to go
Bailey-what happened with corbyn
Grace-he proposed to me but I was cheating on him with Daniel and Daniel told him I messed up everything
Bailey-omg come in it's freezing out here
I enter and sit down
Grace-hold on Tate's calling
Where did u go where are u living at
I stopped by baileys house
Ok I told corbyn about the cigarettes
U weren't supposed to
I had to ok but anyway I got to go bye
I hang up
Bailey-u know every one during heartbreak makes a song
Grace-yea but I broke him
Bailey-right sorry it's just it's always the boys who break us not used to seeing girls break the boys
Grace-can I stay here tonight
Bailey-yea of course and u can stay as long as u want my parents won't mind
Grace-thanks your so sweet
Bailey-awe thanks
Grace-well I am gonna get rest
Bailey-yea ok follow me I'll show u the room you will be staying in
I follow her and enter the room I set my things down
It had led lights around the room it has a restroom and the bed and drawers are here already it looks nice 
Grace-It's nice I love it
Bailey-glad u do
She leaves and I change and take a picture in the mirror

I wake up in a unfamiliar room then someone walks in Franny-how u feeling Grace-where am I Franny-hospital corbyn pushed u hard u hit ur face on the sidewalk and it kinda hit ur stomach tooGrace-is my baby ok Franny-i don't know grace they haven't...

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Prettygracie-love this mirror Bailey
Bailey_greenz-thats my favorite mirror
User-ur at Baileys house?
Imzachherron-u ok ?:(
Prettygracie-^yes why wouldn't I be
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