Chapter 11 i meet corey la barrie

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I wake up and remember tomorrow is the party and I have to Announce
My pregnancy I get up and Change to this

I wake up and remember tomorrow is the party and I have to AnnounceMy pregnancy I get up and Change to this

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Corbyn wakes up and changes to this

So Daniel and franny are still together they are so cute all the couples are still together

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So Daniel and franny are still together they are so cute all the couples are still together

Corbyn-hi let's go downstairs and make breakfast
Grace-u make breakfast I'm pregnant
Corbyn-ok then let's go
We walk downstairs holding hands and I walk to the couch corbyn walks into the kitchen
Daniel-what's he doing in the kitchen
Daniel asked as he sat next to me
Grace-he's gonna make breakfast
Daniel-what corbyn besson is gonna make breakfast
Daniel-yo guys corbyns making breakfast
Zach-since when
Corbyn comes outside of the kitchen and says
Corbyn-stop acting so surprised
And walks back into the kitchen

Corbyn comes back with food we all eat then corbyn decides to go watch a movie so we go into the movie theater room and sit down seating arrangement is this
franny daniel me/Elijah corbyn
Jonah Tate jack Gabbie Zach Kay

Corbyn gets a text from his friend Corey and Corey wants to meet me so he said he'll come I get up and grab Elijah then go with corbyn
Corbyn-ur gonna love Corey he is the best
We get into the car and drive to the place Corey wanted to meet once we get there we get out and a guy comes up to us
Corbyn-Corey my man this is my girlfriend
Corey-nice to meet u I'm Corey
Grace-I'm grace
Corey-who's this baby
Grace-Elijah my son and before u ask Corbyn Isnt the father
Corey-I was gonna ask that but nvm u answered it

We basically just had fun and talked some more then went home tomorrow the party and we are leaving Elijah with his dad since it's his week

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