Chapter 3 corbyns girl

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I wake up and see Elijah in his crib I check my phone and check the time it's 8:30 am I put my phone down and close my eyes then it pings I check it's a snap from Diego

Babydiego🥰 sent u a snap

Graciegrey-good morning baby Babydiego🥰-what are u doing Graciegrey-barley waking up, you ?Babydiego🥰-texting you❤️Graciegrey-how sweet when are u gonna come over Babydiego🥰-I got up already I'm heading to yours Graciegrey-stop texting me then ...

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Graciegrey-good morning baby
Babydiego🥰-what are u doing
Graciegrey-barley waking up, you ?
Babydiego🥰-texting you❤️
Graciegrey-how sweet when are u gonna come over
Babydiego🥰-I got up already I'm heading to yours
Graciegrey-stop texting me then if ur driving
Babydiego🥰-fine see u in a bit
I get up and change to sweatpants and a crop top I hear the doorbell so I ran downstairs and open the door I hug the person when I pull away I see a girl
Grace-omg I'm so sorry I thought u were my boyfriend
??-it's ok corbyn gave me this address I'm his girlfriend my name is Christina
Grace-oh girlfriend? Nice to meet you I'm grace
I see Diego pull up I go past Christina and run up to Diego and hug him I hear footsteps then I get a notification that franny posted on Instagram

Graciegrey-good morning baby Babydiego🥰-what are u doing Graciegrey-barley waking up, you ?Babydiego🥰-texting you❤️Graciegrey-how sweet when are u gonna come over Babydiego🥰-I got up already I'm heading to yours Graciegrey-stop texting me then ...

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Pretend it's in the driveway
Franny_arrieta-look at these 2 being cute @pretty.Gracie @diegomartir
456,763 liked this post
User-they are so cute
Dracefan-my otp #drace
Frannyfan-they look so cute
Diego-how's Elijah
Grace-good he is sleeping still
Diego-ok and I saw on ur Insta that u got tattoos I wanna see
Grace- so I have one here
I point to the side of my stomach and show him the tattoo
Grace-I have one on my ankle
I show him
Grace-and then this one next to my thumb and this one and the ankle I'm matching with franny
Diego-I like them I wanna get a matching one with u
Grace-let's go mike should be working
Diego-who tf is mike
Grace-tattoo person let's go let me just tell franny where I'm going I'll meet u in the car
He kisses me and gets in the car
I go to franny
Grace-me and Diego are gonna get a matching tattoo will we be back but I'm taking Elijah because I don't wanna leave him
Franny-ok and that's cute matching tattoos
I nod
Grace-Christina I can show u where corbyns room is at
Christina-ok thank u
Grace-Come in
I go inside and take her to corbyns room I knock and open
Corbyn smiles once he sees me then once he sees Christina he stops
Corbyn-hey babe
Christina-hii I missed u
Corbyn-yea me too
He faked a smile
Grace-so I'm gonna go out with Diego and get a tattoo with him I'm taking Eli
Christina-wait who's Eli
Grace-my son
Christina-can I see him.
Grace-um I guess...
She follows me to my room I get Eli up and she looks at him
Christina-he is so cute he looks like u
Christina-I want a baby now
Grace-ok well I need to change him to go so
Christina-oh right I'll go with corbyn
She leaves and I get clothes picked out for Eli I change him into

Tattoo shop-corbyn besson Where stories live. Discover now