Chapter 19 meet lavender may avery

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We arrive at the hospital

Jack helps me inside
Jack-hi we need a doctor she thinks our baby is coming now
Nurse-how many months is she
Nurse-it's normal for them to come early come on let's go to the room
They take me to a room and set me on the bed she gives me the hospital gown I go to the restroom and change fast and Lay back down
Nurse-let's see how far dilated u are (idk if that's what u say)
Nurse-ok ur having this baby now ur at 10
She leaves to call more nurses and doctors
They come back everyone leaves the room except jack
He holds my hand I squeeze it hard
Doctor-I need u to push
Doctor-one more big one
*baby cries*
Doctor-she is beautiful
Grace-I did it
I start crying
Jack-u did it
Grace-we did it can I please hold her
Doctor-yes here u go
The doctor gives me lavender
Grace-she looks like me
Jack-yea but she has my eyes and my smile
Grace-here want to hold her
Jack nods and carries her
He goes out to tell the rest to come in
Bailey-she is beautiful I'm blessed to be her godmother
Jonah-if ur godmother that means im godfather?
Jonah-omg yes I am a godfather
I laugh and Bailey takes a picture

Present-Jack helps me inside Jack-hi we need a doctor she thinks our baby is coming now Nurse-how many months is she Jack-8 Nurse-it's normal for them to come early come on let's go to the room They take me to a room and set me on the bed she give...

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Bailey_greenz-she is so adorable
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Pretty.Gracie-he was pretty happy when I told him he is godfather.
I know y'all are confused but when me and jack broke up I found out I was pregnant and I kept it from jack because I couldn't face seeing him and when Elijah wanted to go to saddle ranch that's when we saw them at the table and Elijah wanted to go over to say hi and that's when he saw me and my big stomach and he asked who the father was I said it was him and now here we are with our beautiful babygirl lavender may Avery me and jack aren't together he was just there when she wanted out and he took me to the hospital
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Grace-can I hold her again
Jonah-yea of course
He gives her to me
Grace-thanks Zach here u go
Grace-what u weren't giving her to Zach
Zach-thank you Gracie
Zach-she is Precious I wanna squeeze her
Grace-no don't kill my child

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