Chapter 10 Pregnancy test

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I wake up and see corbyn next to me and we are naked I get up and put clothes on and go to the restroom and brush my teeth and I take a Instagram picture

I wake up and see corbyn next to me and we are naked I get up and put clothes on and go to the restroom and brush my teeth and I take a Instagram picture

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Pretty.Gracie-I feel sick :(
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Tate runs Into the bathroom and she has a pregnancy test
Tate-take it
Grace-why tf do u have a pregnancy test in ur room
Tate-Idk but hurry check
I get the test and check after 5 minutes I check and it's.............POSITIVE!
Grace-Tate it's positive
Tate screams and that wakes corbyn up he runs in the restroom Tate turns around and screams because corbyn was naked corbyn screams and finds something to cover him
Tate-my poor eyes
Corbyn-no one told u to be in here and why u scream
Grace-we did it
Corbyn-ur pregnant?
He hugs me and kisses me
Tate-I need to give my eyes some holy water I can't fucking unsee that
Corbyn-no one told u to be in here
Tate-I'm leaving now
She leaves and corbyn gets his clothes on we take a picture in the mirror

POSITIVE!Grace-Tate it's positive Tate screams and that wakes corbyn up he runs in the restroom Tate turns around and screams because corbyn was naked corbyn screams and finds something to cover him Tate-my poor eyes Corbyn-no one told u to be in ...

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Pretty.Gracie-he is happy he makes me happy
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Tatedoll-careful corbyn
Corbynbesson-ik Mrs Tate
User-why does corbyn have to be careful
User-get together again
Corbyn-so since we are having a baby will u be my girlfriend
Corbyn-oh and we have to tell everyone at the party going on today one of our friends are throwing one
Grace-what's his name
Grace-ok I'll make sure to look for a Corey so I can have permission to stop the party to Announce it

(I'm sorry I'm about to make u guys cry the day of the party it's something to do with Corey)

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