U walk into the tattoo shop to get a tattoo when a cute boy enters to get a tattoo as well But he isn't alone he has four boys with him read to find out what happens
*5 days later* I'm still at baileys house and yesterday corbyn made a song two days ago I kissed Daniel and I know I shouldn't but he was at the mall and it was the first time seeing him after I left the house I get up and change to this
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I go to the restroom and brush my teeth after I leave the room and tell Bailey I'm going out Bailey-k see u soon Grace-bye I leave and I go to the store to buy some snacks and other things when I enter they play the one and only corbyn bessons song but before they do they say "this was a song made by corbyn besson to his ex girlfriend" The song goes like this
Pretend it's corbyn I can't stay there longer so I just leave when I exit I bump into someone which made me fall I look up and it's corbyn and a girl he is holding her hand Corbyn-how are u I hear you're staying at baileys house Grace-don't act like u want to know I need to leave I can't bare to listen to your song any longer I go to my car and the paparazzi is there Pap-hey grace Grace-hi guys Pap-so have u heard corbyns song Grace-yea sadly I did Pap-and he proposed to u right Grace-yea he did but that didn't work we aren't married Pap-one more question Grace-sure Pap-do u want him back? Grace-u know I have to go I need to get home to Bailey Pap-alright have a good day Grace-u too I get in the car and leave Grace-we need to make a song he has a new girlfriend Bailey-how u know Grace-I saw him outside the store with her Bailey-her name is like Katie or somethin corbyn texted me to try to be friends with her but I said no New character-Katie sigmond 22(pretend)
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Bailey-song can be titled happier Grace-ok and we can release it next month Bailey-yea let's get working Grace-since we are releasing it next month I got lyrics "we broke up a month ago" Bailey-I like that and maybe "your friends are mine" Grace-"you know I know you moved on found someone new one more girl who brings out the better in you" Bailey-yes yes and yes I love that The rest of the after noon we spent thinking of lyrics