U walk into the tattoo shop to get a tattoo when a cute boy enters to get a tattoo as well But he isn't alone he has four boys with him read to find out what happens
*1 year later* Graces POV Me and corbyn have been together for a year and a half he has been distant tho Elijah is 2 now and he walks and talks more I'm still good friends with everyone i still hate Bailey and Christina well she apologized and we are friends now everything is great oh and Gabbie gave birth everyone basically moved out my house except corbyn and franny and Daniel oh yea franny and Daniel got together finally
Grace-babe come on Corbyn-where are we going Grace-the store Corbyn-no I'll stay here Grace-ok then As I was leaving I stopped and looked at corbyn Grace-u know I trust u but u have been distant so can I check your phone Corbyn-no u cannot check my phone Grace-why are u hiding something Corbyn-no it's just it's my privacy Grace-let me check it corbyn Corbyn-no Grace-corbyn give me the fucking phone Corbyn-no I'm not giving it to you I get closer and try to take it away but he slaps my face(I know corbyn would never do this to a girl but it's just for the story) Grace-oww what the fuck corbyn Corbyn-I'm sorry I run out the room holding my cheek franny sees Franny-u ok Grace- I was just trying to check corbyns phone and when I tried to take it he slapped me I start crying Franny-that bitch She goes in corbyns room all I hear is this Franny-WHO DO U THINK U ARE SLAPPING MY BESTFRIEND NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE SLAPS HER SHE IS UR GIRLFRIEND Corbyn-I KNOW SHE IS BUT SHE WANTED TO CHECK MY PHONE franny-because she feels like ur cheating u have been distant Corbyn-I'm not cheating on her Franny-then let her see your phone Corbyn-ok fine They come out the room and corbyn gives it to me Corbyn-check it and I'm sorry for what ur gonna read and see I open his phone and go to messages I see baileys name so I click on it and start crying when I read what it says I gave it back to corbyn because I didn't want to read it more Corbyn-I'm sorry His voice cracked Grace-we are done I want u out of my house My voice cracked Franny-who did he cheat on u with Grace-Bailey Franny-u fucking asshole I run to my room and make an Insta post about our breakup
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Pretty.Gracie-well ur favorite couple #cace broke up why? Because he cheated on me with Bailey corbyn just know that I love u and wish u the best thank u for always being there with me and cheering me up when I was sad thank u for all those nights of fun I sure as heck will miss those nights I guess we weren't meant to be thank u for the best 1 and a half year of my life❤️ thanks for being a dad figure to Elijah well I guess this is goodbye have a nice life with Bailey hope u have a family with her and get married love-Grace Ava Luna😕❤️ 100,343,765 liked this post Comments- User-omg grace I hope ur okay Pretty.Gracie-^i am thanks🙃 User-I'm so sad now Corbynbesson-I'm sorry 😞 Bailey_greenz-u really loved him then I'm sorry we have been dating I'm sorry I messed up a good couple Beautychickee-Bebe I'm on my way if u need a hug Catherinepaiz-I'm gonna tell u what Elle said corbyn "mister I told u not to hurt her or I hurt u look at what u did to my aunt Gracie she is so sad now" __________________ I get on the girls group chat and text them
The baddies🥵 Dahl,baby momma,ms cook,Fran,chickee are in this group chat
Mrs besson Can u guys change my name please ? Dahl Baby we want to keep it like that please we want that to happen Mrs besson we aren't getting married Chickee He is missing out on a beautiful girl Fran Yea who wants to help me beat him up and Bailey Baby momma I'll help wait I'm pretty sure we all want to help actually Dahl U right Gabbie we all wanna help Mrs besson Don't hurt corbyn just hurt Bailey Ms cook Ok we will beat up Bailey Mrs besson I'm crying Dahl Why Mrs besson I'm looking at my eyes only for snap and it's pictures of corbyn I love him I miss him so much I need him Dahl I'm coming over and I'm deleting those pictures of him Mrs besson No ur not I'm gonna hide my phone u can't delete the pictures of my bean look at him 🥺 Mrs besson has sent a picture to the baddies🥵 group chat
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Mrs besson He's so fucking cute Dahl Delete the pictures of him now grace Mrs besson Never Tatum Ms cook Let her keep the pictures Tate Mrs besson Yea listen to ms cook Dahl Fine keep the pictures just stop looking at them Mrs besson I'm sorry but look it's me and him Mrs besson has sent a picture to the baddies🥵 group chat
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Baby momma Ok this is cute ngl the way he looks at her like she is his world Ms cook Exactly why did it have to end Mrs besson because he cheated he has been dating Bailey ever since me and him started dating Chickee Who wants to come with me to tell him to get back together with her and when I said her I mean grace Ms cook I'll go Baby momma Me too Fran Count me in Dahl Ok count me in too I guess Mrs besson Stop it don't do anything Dahl Ok....... Mrs besson What did u do Dahl Well ever since Christina said that I got in my car and picked them up and we are at his house already Mrs besson Omg ur crazy
Tate's POV We arrive at corbyns house then we knock on the door corbyn opens it Corbyn-what are u doing here Tate-we came here to tell u to get grace back Corbyn-she isn't gonna get back with me I messed up big time Kay-in our group chat she won't stop saying how much she misses u and loves u please come up with a way to apologize so cace can get together again we miss cace Corbyn-can u guys help me make a poster we can decorate it with the snacks she likes and we will see what we will write Gabbie-I'm in The girls-we all are let's do it now so u can apologize sooner Tate-the sooner u apologize the sooner cace will get together Corbyn-ok let's do this store time We got to the store and get the stuff then come back home