Chapter 4 dont tell christina

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It's the next morning I change into this

It's the next morning I change into this

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I leave Eli in his crib and I go downstairs once I go in the kitchen corbyn is there Grace-oh hi Corbyn-hey what are u doing up at this time Grace-I was gonna make breakfast for me and if u guys wanted some well when the rest wake up what are u do...

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I leave Eli in his crib and I go downstairs once I go in the kitchen corbyn is there
Grace-oh hi
Corbyn-hey what are u doing up at this time
Grace-I was gonna make breakfast for me and if u guys wanted some well when the rest wake up what are u doing
Corbyn-I'm sorry
Grace-for what
Corbyn-for what Christina did
Grace-oh that it's ok I guess
Corbyn-I like u
Grace-I'm sorry what
Corbyn-I like u
Grace-no I heard u the first time I just didn't believe it I like u to but Christina
Corbyn-she don't have to know we can be secretly dating until I break up with her
I sigh
Grace-fine but she can't find out and we can't tell anyone until ur done with her got it
Corbyn-got it
Oh yea corbyn was wearing this

I leave Eli in his crib and I go downstairs once I go in the kitchen corbyn is there Grace-oh hi Corbyn-hey what are u doing up at this time Grace-I was gonna make breakfast for me and if u guys wanted some well when the rest wake up what are u do...

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Corbyn-let's take a Instagram picture
Ur the girl corbyn is the boy

Corbyn-let's take a Instagram picture Grace-ok Ur the girl corbyn is the boy

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Pretty.Gracie-it's corbyn I took gracies phone oh and fuck off diego
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User-they are so cute they should date
Beautychickee-oh just because I ruined ur relationship doesn't mean ur gonna ruin mine
Pretty.Gracie-oh hunny if only u knew and I got my phone back so it's Gracie
User-if only we knew?

1:14 ur Lauren corbyn is Jeff and u changed to what she is wearing but u kept the shoes on
Corbynbesson-I'm her new dance partner
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Corbyn-where's Elijah
Grace-asleep still
Corbyn-I wanna kiss u so bad
Grace-then do it
Corbyn kisses me he stops and smiles then he lifts me and puts me on the counter and continues to kiss me I kiss back we made out for like 5 minutes then stopped cuz we heard something
Grace-later me and u in my room
Corbyn-ok see you later
He leaves and I take a pic

Corbyn-where's Elijah Grace-asleep still Corbyn-I wanna kiss u so bad Grace-then do it Corbyn kisses me he stops and smiles then he lifts me and puts me on the counter and continues to kiss me I kiss back we made out for like 5 minutes then stoppe...

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Pretty.Gracie-omg I've never been this happy
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Franny comes with a dressed Elijah
Grace-thanks so much for changing him I'm gonna make breakfast
Franny-what got u in a good mood I saw ur Insta to why so happy
Grace-I can't tell u
I go and make food then that's when everyone started coming down
Zach-corbyn why can't u cook like this
Corbyn-I don't know how Jonah does
Jonah-don't look at me I can't cook this good
Jack-this is so good
Kay-thank u Gracie
Grace-ur welcome
Tate-I've never seen u so happy what happened
Grace-nothing happened! I can't be happy?
Tate-u can be happy it's just rare to see u happy
I look at corbyn
Tate-girl if u don't tell me I'll stop being ur best friend
Grace-hold up corbyn come here
We go to a room meanwhile
Zachs POV
Zach-guys what if they are dating
Jack-zachs right
Jonah-nah I don't think so because he is dating Christina
Tate-she better tell me
Graces POV
Grace-this is harder then we thought we have to tell them
Corbyn-yea we just have to tell them to not tell anyone until I'm done with Christina
I nod then we go back to them
Grace-ok ready
They all nod
Corbyn,grace-we are secretly dating
Everyone is shocked
Grace-don't tell anyone until he is done with Christina please keep it a secret
They all nod
Zach-corbyn should we tell them that we are a
Corbyn-yea it's time so um grace franny we are a band
Grace-cool what's the bands name
Jonah-why don't we
Grace-why don't we what
Corbyn-that's the name why don't we
Grace-wow u guys got a tour coming up in like 2 days
Jack-we wanted to tell u earlier that we are a band and we were going on tour soon but we couldn't we were nervous
Franny-how long is tour?
Her voice cracked
Daniel-like 2 months
Grace-wow that's long
Corbyn-yea but we will call u and FaceTime u and message u every day
Grace-as long as u keep that promise the girls can stay with me while ur gone
Tate-yes I was gonna ask u to stay
Kay-me too
Grace-and Gabbie I'll watch her
Jack-ok thanks so much
Franny and Daniel are hugging #franiel
Corbyn-I'm gonna go pack to be ready to leave in two days
Grace-yea ok
He leaves and the rest of the boys do to
Grace-let's just have the best time when they are gone
Gabbie -yup

Sorry this chapter is short next chapter is going to be when they leave for tour and Tate taking u out to a club franny watches Elijah
Word count-840

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