U walk into the tattoo shop to get a tattoo when a cute boy enters to get a tattoo as well But he isn't alone he has four boys with him read to find out what happens
New character he is gonna be in this chapter and in the next few ones
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Giovanny valencia -age is 24 (pretend) I wake up and go to corbyns room and hug him he was awake cuz he don't wanna be late for his flight Grace-I'm gonna miss u Corbyn-Ima miss u too Grace-I wish I can go to the airport but Elijah is here I don't wanna leave him and I don't wanna take him Corbyn-I get it ok so bye I have to see the boys and leave we will be back before u know it Grace-I hope so Corbyn kisses me and leaves 4 hours later Tate-get dressed I wanna take u somewhere Grace-where Tate- a club Grace-ok I put on a tight black dress it's short and I give Eli to franny Then we leave Tate-we are here let's go Grace-he is so cute but I'm dating corbyn Tate-just go talk to him Grace-ok give me a drink She gives me one and I go to the guy Grace-hey im grace ??-im Giovanny but call me gio Grace-I like that name Gio-thanks I like yours Grace-thanks want to drink Gio-yea He gets a drink let's just say we got drunk and did things we shouldn't have he used a condom don't worry Grace-I have to go I say putting my dress on Gio-yea me too here's my number He gives it to me then I leave and go to Tate Tate-where did u go Grace-I'm so drunk I had sex with the guy I went to and I'm dating corbyn omg no no I had sex and I'm dating someone Tate-let's get u home Grace-ok She takes me to the car and we go home next thing I know is I'm passed out in my bed