Chapter 8-The Demon's Family (The Cat & Caboodle, Gene Simmons POV)

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A/N: Enjoy!

If there's one thing on earth, I'm grateful for besides Kiss & the kiss would be my family. My husband Eric and our two daughters: Helena & Erica. Helena is a mini version of me, but she has Eric's Ocean blues & Erica is a combination of both my husband & I in looks. Age wise they are 9 & 8 years old, respectively. Helena is the oldest.... we had them close in age obviously.

It's hard to believe I am now where I once never thought I would be. Married & a father...Eric changed all that. When I'd first met him in 92', I thought he was cute, but back then I was a major asshole & so full of myself. But then my thinking Eric was cute changed along the way and quicker than I realized. He was weary of me, but his energy was infectious, his eyes they were beautiful. He truly was a great guy. Really a perfect fit to balance me out...What had really driven the point home and all, was me getting jealous of him & Tommy. Seeing them hurt and made me realize that I loved Eric. I had kept it hidden, but on that day, I realized.... It was the best thing that ever happened to me! Eric & I have been together ever since...Therefore it drives me INSANE to see Paul & Tommy dance around each other. It's its own kind of poison, just like jealousy is or being an asshole.

Eric told me about Tommy having a panic attack, he was so worried. He still is & so is I. Tommy isn't handling his feelings well or anything really at all. And from what Eric told me, it seems to be getting worse. I am kind of angry at Tommy, for torturing himself.... but mainly at Paul. I should say something to him...but then it's not my place, or is it? Paul just needs to say 'I love you' to Tommy already, they need to talk about things and let themselves be happy. I know he would love to have a family and Tommy's the perfect partner for Paul to have that with.

I am interrupted out of my musings by Eric, "Gene? Babe? You ok there? wait.... you were thinking about us, weren't you? And Paul & Tommy?" See this is why or part of why I love Eric so much or part of why I love him so much.... he always knows what I am thinking. I bring him into a kiss that gets a little heated and so we reluctantly part for air.

"No Eric, I'm not ok...and yes you are completely right. I'm not ok because of what you told me about Tommy...which I'm kind of mad at him for his stubbornness, but that being said...I'm mainly upset with Paul. Why can't he see that him being such a huge coward is causing problems.... I don't think he even knows what its doing to Tommy. They both need to talk and sort things out." I sigh heavily. Eric takes my hands in his....

"I know Demon...I know. Now, Helena and Erica have been bugging me to start", Eric trails off.

"They're our kids for sure! I'll help you with dinner...", I'm cut off by the arrival of our daughters.

"Dad! Mom! Can we please have spaghetti for dinner?" Helena asks arms crossed a habit I know she gets from me.

"Ooh & Dessert! Something chocolate!", Erica enthuses bouncing in place. Eric & I share a look that says, "Our children! But we love them dearly."

"Sure girls, spaghetti it is & oooh chocolate pie sounds good!", Eric grins widely. Helena & Erica cheer and I kiss my husband softly. Our daughters never 'Ew', they are used to us showing affection like this. Of course, they don't get wind of the 'private' affection, but they are smart kids...I'm sure they suspect.

All four of us work on dinner, talking and laughing and just being together. I can't believe how far I've come...I went from being totally against marriage to being married & then I became a father. Truly there is nothing on earth better than this.... I am profoundly grateful for my husband Eric & my amazing kids!

I had learned the hard way that jealousy was its own kind of poison and so that's why it kills me that Paul doesn't seem to want to let go & let himself be happy. And as for Tommy? Poor guy, he's such a sweetheart, talented as hell, funny & once he opens up to you, he's a live wire. But, from what Eric's told me.... Tommy seems to really be struggling with his feelings for Paul.... I mean he's starting to have panic attacks.... that's not good. Paul has no idea what he's doing to Tommy.

Not to mention Tommy's kind of becoming reclusive, but Eric says too that Paul & Tommy still hang out and jam.... but I guess neither sees what's happening or something.

Dinner is made, eaten & of course we have dessert.... our family are the world's biggest sugar fiends, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. After all is said & done, we curl up on the couch & watch a movie as a family....

Paul, Tommy why can't you see what's happening? You both clearly love each other.... Ace's shadow still looms large...even if he & Paul were 'fuck buddies'.... Anyway, if you just let go and open up will all be ok...Love makes you stronger, burdens are don't have to wander thru the darkness anymore, you can dance in the light. 

A/N: Cant wait to hear your thoughts on this!!

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