Chapter 27- Ace of News (Bruce Kulick)

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Tommy and Paul, both called me the other day to let me know what's been going on and we got caught up with each other. Of Course, I knew that Tommy was pregnant or rather is pregnant, but among other things I found out their having twins. There was much teasing from me, but no sexual comments.... that's Gene's department. Gene is still horny as ever, but only for his Eric and is totally head over heels committed to his husband.

Anyway, back to Tommy & Paul: I was also filled in on what Ace did. The fact that Ace showed up unannounced and refused to leave. Ace wanted once again what he couldn't have: Paul. He kissed Paul deliberately to hurt Tommy and so Tommy ran from Paul thinking the worst. It was a terrible, terrible misunderstanding. Ace caused so much damage, but Paul & Tommy have worked things out and cleared up the almost tragic misunderstanding between them.

When I heard the news about what Ace did? I may've gone a little crazy after the phone call. Ok, I DID go crazy. I threw stuff and curled up into a ball and screamed with tears running down my face. Why? I've been in love with Ace since the Unplugged at first sight. I've loved him since; I love him STILL. Love him so much it hurts, which is why I reacted the way I did upon learning what he did. He just never saw ME, I felt pretty damn obvious and stupid too in a way. I knew how he felt about Paul...and he hates Tommy's guts.

Also, I am very sad and brokenhearted and ANGRY at Ace for what he's done. I mean what an asshole! That's putting it mildly. Tommy is one of my best friends and so is Paul and Ace did what he did to hurt poor Tommy. Paul had told me what happened in the aftermath of Tommy leaving and from the sounds of it he may have finally gotten thru to Ace, one can only hope really.

Suddenly my phone rings and by the caller's Ace?! Oh god, what does he WANT? I am going to let him have it!

"What the hell do you want?! You've got balls to be calling me!", I growled out. "Especially after what you did to Tommy and Paul too!"

I am taken aback, by the tone of Ace's voice which sounds as if filled with tears and so small and my compassion kicks in a little.

"I-I I'm sorry, I-I j-just wanted to talk to you. P-please Br-uce...I mean I-I I'll go if that's what you want."

Slowly I reply much calmer but nerves a jumbled mess, "I shouldn't but I'll listen. I mean Paul told me you sounded sincere when you came over to 'apologize.'

Ace sighs heavily, "You have no reason to believe me and your absolutely right. I've just been...well a fucked-up mess and have been for years where Paul is concerned, and I have hated Tommy's guts for 'taking my place'. Like that's no excuse but, what I did was beyond wrong. Everything is all on me, I did what I did to hurt Tommy.... I just for so many years have been unable to let go of Paul and then Tommy had wanted 'I wanted'.... And now Tommy's left Paul and I've broken up their marriage. See, Bruce...I well.... After Tommy had left, lucky Paul didn't kill me, but it made me see FINALLY how wrong I've been about everything. Tommy is good for Paul and he's a good guy too and my so-called feelings for Paul...I never really loved him not Truly. It's more of an obsession and I can't stand to be told 'no'."

I'm stunned for a moment, but slowly manage to speak, "Again you SOUND sincere.... but really, how can I believe you? And though I think you don't deserve to know, you did almost break up their marriage, you could have...but they are still together and have worked things out."

"I'm glad I didn't after all, and I know they may not forgive me, and you won't either. But I truly appreciate you listening to me. I mean it Bruce, I want to make things right with them, with everybody and especially YOU." The last part of that sentence gives me a small ray of hope...but I don't want my hopes crushed like I feel or know that they will be.

"What do you mean Ace? Me?", My voice small and heart beating 100mph.

"I mean I realized finally and see the fact you've been in love with me for YEARS since Unplugged and too I see that I feel the same. I just haven't wanted to SEE." Ace says quietly and I nearly drop the phone in shock.

Is he? Did he just? I mean did the man I fell in love with at first sight...just admit that he loved me? What do I say?! I admit I'm over-joyed, but I just hope he's not fucking with me. The way he said it, so very loving...just made my heart skip a beat or two. Better respond.

"Sorry I spaced out.... I mean I'm just...I never expected..." I manage to stammer.

"Bruce, I swear on my life that I'm truly, truly not fucking with you. I don't want to be the way I have been anymore...not ever again. I am telling the truth...Please, please I know I don't deserve it and you don't have to say it...but I thought you should know. And I was wondering, if I could talk to you in person and meet you somewhere maybe?", Ace is crying heavily I can tell and I can tell too he's dead sober.

"Ok, ok...I'll meet you at that botanical know the one I'd overheard you tell Peter about. I'll see for myself Ace....", Stunned silence follows a moment.

"Bruce, I know I don't deserve this, but this means the world to me for you to say that. I'll be there. Can we do it soon if your free?"

"You mean today? Yes, that's fine. I warn you though, step out of line and I WILL make no mistake kick your ass." My heart fluttering and my tone stern.

"That's totally fair. I'll see you soon then careful." And then we both hang up my mind reeling. In love or no, I will be true to my word if Ace is fucking with me, my feelings and wanting to make amends with me and everyone and kick his ass if he's lying. Still I cannot deny, no I can't that part of me is so excited to see him and wants to tell him I love him.


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