Chapter 20-Ace's return & Things fall Apart (Paul Stanley POV)

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A/N: All Hell Breaks Loose...

Tommy and I are married! I've never been so happy. Our wedding was beautiful, amazing and one of the greatest, romantic moments of my life! Well until we left for our honeymoon but believe me it's WAY up there!! We've been married now for a few weeks, and I can't help but notice my beloved husband is STILL acting strange, so unlike him. I mean Tommy's always been quiet till you get to know him, and he opens, but I've noticed that here lately he's gotten more like how he used to be, but worse. There are periods where he wont talk to me at all and shuts himself in our bedroom. Also, there's the fact that he's pale so very pale and moody and quick to snap at me. Plus, he seems to here lately I've noticed been getting sick.... I mean I noticed on our wedding day that he'd been acting strange, but now it's been over a month, almost two.

I don't know how to help Tommy other than just being there for him, we both don't know what's going on and I feel like a terrible partner because I don't know, and I feel like I should know what's happening not to mention I think I should get Tommy to a doctor. Tommy is currently up in our bedroom asleep; he looks like he really needed it. I need to go check on him....

Once upstairs, I peak quietly into our bedroom and notice that my husband is sitting up in bed reading a book, which he immediately puts down once he notices me and he smiles.

"Paul! Oh, there you are! Come in here already!"

Shutting the door closed with my foot, I then go sit with him on the bed and take him in my arms, but not without kissing him first and for several minutes.

"So, did you have a good nap, Tommy? You look liked you needed it." I ask once we part for air after spending a few minutes kissing.

"Mmm, yeah I did. I feel better now...and I just want to say that I am sorry for me going without talking here to you lately, well going without here & there I mean. I'm sorry! I'm not sure what's wrong! We've been so busy and have had a lot going on! And I think I've gained some weight or something!", Tommy bursts into tears startling me.

"Shh, babe...Tommy. It's ok. I'm not mad I promise you! I'm worried. I haven't been sure how to help other than giving you space and doing my best to be here for you. But we need to get you to a doctor, you've been getting sick that I've noticed lately. Need to make sure it's nothing serious. I know how much you hate going to the doctors, but please Tommy." Tommy just nods into my neck. Gradually he calms down.

"Hey, don't we need groceries and stuff? I could go to the store."

"Are you sure Tommy that you feel ok enough to do that?" I pull back to look at him.

"Yeah, I feel fine now.", Tommy smiles at me and I can't find it in my heart to say 'no'. I let him get dressed and go the store, but before he goes, I kiss him and tell him I love him and then he takes off....

I sigh heavily as I turn around and go back inside, there's something I've kept from Tommy. Like for instance, the fact we've had to change our number's because Ace has started leaving messages, which so far, I've kept hidden from Tommy. I immediately have deleted them because I know how much it hurts Tommy. I know how much Ace hurts Tommy in general, and I know too it would hurt keeping it from him, but I just want to protect him.

After a while, I'm startled by my doorbell ringing and series of knocks sounding on the door. Tommy must have forgotten something, hopefully Tommy is ok. I open the door and am shocked and angry to find Ace of all people standing there.

"What the fuck are you doing here?! How many times do I have to tell you...stay away from me! Stay away from Tommy...Leave now!", My voice rising with every word.

"Look Curly, I just want to talk. I know your married now, but I want to apologize. Can I come in?", Ace sounds sincere but he's wearing sunglasses so I can't see his eyes. Like an idiot, I let him in.... If I had known just how much damage this would cause, I'd have never done this. I shouldn't do this NOW, but...maybe I can FINALLY get the message across.

"Ace, I don't believe you when you when you say you want to always have an ulterior motive, always...but I will listen to you AGAINST my better judgment." I sigh with my arms crossed.

"Paulie, I know you married Tommy...but look. Why can't we make it work?" Ace asks.

"Are you fucking serious?! We were 'fuck buddies' for lack of a better term! I loved you once, over 20 years ago...but you never felt the same way. Even in 96', same story. You know Bruce has loved you for YEARS, give him a chance. Now get out and leave!", I roar at very angry.

"Paulie, come on...what's Tommy got that I don't?". Ace whines.

"Again, are you serious?! He's there for me, loves me...there is no question of that. But you've always wanted what you can't have and that drives you up the damn wall.... now go!", My chest heaves. The door opens and.... oh no!! Tommy's back...he's going to kill me...kill Ace.... what have I done?! Suddenly Ace darts forward and kisses me and I immediately shove him off, too shocked to do more...but what breaks my heart and makes me realize how totally stupid I was, and I hear....

"Paul?! What the—the-what the fuck is this?! And Ace?! Why would you do this?! Both of you! Paul. I trusted you! You know how I feel, why would you let him in? And kiss you?! can't be happening! This can't be what it looks like! And Ace, you son of a bitch! Do you really, really get so much joy out of tormenting me?! I was happy.... I.... I've got to go.... I hope you both will be happy!". Tommy bursts into tears, drops the groceries, and immediately turns and runs.... I immediately run after him...

"Tommy! Tommy, please! It's not what it looks like...It was stupid as hell, me letting him in...but I thought maybe he would apologize like he said...but I swear to you I told him off, I tried to get him to leave...he-he wouldn't. I---" Tommy cuts me off and whirls around to face me.

"No! I don't believe you; how can I trust you?! You think I didn't know about the messages?! Fuck you Paul.... I can't. Can't deal with this! I---" Here he bends over and heaves, I try and go to help him but again he cuts me off and growls out...

"Don't touch me! I'm leaving.... good-bye Paul.", and Tommy turns around and gets back into the car and doesn't listen for my pleas to come back. He's gone...

No! No! What have I done?! I shouldn't have EVER tried to hide anything from him...from my husband. I shouldn't have let Ace come in.... I should have known Tommy would know.... but Tommy wouldn't let me explain, that at least about the messages...I was just trying to protect him. And I was trying to get the message thru to Ace.... but now...Now Tommy's gone, I don't know where, but I must find him, apologize, and explain somehow. What shocks me is just how emotional and all Tommy was, and suddenly.... things are clicking....and oh my god!

A/N: Where Did Tommy go? To whom did he run to? Could it be another Kiss member of the past? and I know I left off on a cliff-hanger...but oh I can't wait to hear thoughts on this!!

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