Chapter 16 - "The Other Girl"

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Jack's P.O.V

The 2 weeks have gone so fast. Almost everyday I spent it with Elsa, I even invited her to stay and help us pack today.

The last day of school for me was the worst. The only thing I enjoyed about it was spending it with my friends. All the girls came up to me and would drive me crazy with questions.

Some girls were even crying about me moving. In fact, I think this one girl was more upset than Elsa was.

As usual, they all tried to impress me, caking on make up, gossiping and squealing as I walked past.

I don't know why they still did it when half the school already knows I'm with Elsa. People even started making ship names!

Other girls would smile at Elsa and some gave her death stares. Elsa is the girl that changed my life, stole my heart and turned the school upside down in a matter of weeks.

Anyway, Mum told me that I will be living in New York City for 3 years. I felt a tiny bit better knowing that it was a shorter time than I expected.

Elsa and I were lying on the floor in my room after about 3 hours of putting stuff in boxes and bags. We were both staring at the fan as it was spinning around and around.

My room was so plain, it was had a few empty boxes here and there. But the walls still had pictures of... My friends. I should take those down soon.

"I can't believe your leaving" she said to me in a dull tone. "You've been crying again haven't you?" I asked concerned.

"How couldn't I? I have finally found someone that makes me feel like I'm the Queen. Your the one I love and now your saying goodbye. So many people that I love have left me" she put her hands on her chest and closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry" I said to her grabbing her hands and holding them tight. I never wanted to let go. "I've don't know what to do with myself now" she sighed.

"You have to keep going, don't give up. I will always be here for you. Whether it's here or New York..." I sat up and then my seriousness faded away.

"Okay" she smiled at me slightly. "I will call you when I can and text you guys everyday" I leant down and kissed her and of course she kissed me back.

We broke the kiss before she asked me something I hoped I would never have to answer. "Forgive me for asking but... The girl with rainbow streaks in her hair? Who is she?"

Oh Shit.

Elsa's P.O.V

"Forgive me for asking but... The girl with rainbow streaks in her hair?" I wondered who she was and why there was a photo of Her, Pitch and Jack.

The picture was faded and looked like an old memory he never wanted to visit again, it was pinned behind other photos but it was still quite visible.

He didn't answer so I asked again. "Who is she?" God Elsa, your so pushy. "Just a friend" he replied simply, not wanting to say anymore.

"It's okay, you can tell me" I sat up and was mentally slapping myself for telling him that. I mean, he can trust me, but I am being so demanding...

"I can't!" He became more fierce, I moved back getting a little worried. "I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone what happened!" he said basically yelling at me.

"I shouldn't have asked" I said seriously as I got up off the floor. "Just. Please don't" Jack sighed I could tell he didn't want me here.

"Fine. You don't trust me do you!?" I stormed out of the room. I left him alone, if he didn't want to talk about it, then he doesn't.

'Hey you up there, Elsa? Yes you! It's your fault' I told myself.

I continued to make my way downstairs. "Are you alright Elsa?" Mrs Overland put her hand on my shoulder. "Oh yes, I Uh... Um I- am just a little upset" I paused "that's all" I smiled. "You sure you two were okay up there?" She asked.

"Yes, I think I should get going. Tell Jack I'm leaving?" "Sure. See you tomorrow before we leave" she hugged me.

'Before we leave' that sentence lingered in my mind for the next 2 minutes. I can't believe I left...

I was just about to walk across the road when someone stopped me. I knew who it was, of course it was Jack. He stops me from walking from just about everything.

"You didn't have to walk away you know!?" He was still mad at me. "I just figured that you were annoyed at me so I left" I said back.

"You didn't- it wasn't necessary for you to get mad at me for asking you a little question" I argued.

"And you didn't need to keep pushing me. Why did you keep asking? You can be really demanding sometimes" and with that I snapped and walked across the street and back home.

"What happen to I love you and I'll always be there for you? Huh?" My eyes widened.

"I do love you, it's just that you need to learn to protect yourself too! If-" he stopped and breathed. "If what?" I felt the tears forming in my eyes. Oh not again, stop crying!

"Don't worry" He said and I didn't say anything. "I'm sorry Snowflake" Jack pulled me close and hugged me as if he never wanted to leave in the first place.

I let him hug me, I can't believe I did after what just happened. I wanted to leave, but the memories of when we were together stopped me from walking away. Again...

He let go of me as I said "I'm sorry too. I'll try to protect myself, I'll try to be better than I am, I'll-" "Stop. You are perfect and I wouldn't change you for the world" he kissed my forehead.

"So one minute you want me to change and the next you say I'm perfect?" I smirked and put my hands on my hips. He just laughed.

"Do you want me to tell you about the girl? I think you deserve to know..."

Hi. How was this chapter? Yeah I know, tell me about it... 😒

I couldn't think of what to call this chapter so you'll have to make do with no name until I come up with something. Hehe 😊✌️

Hope y'all enjoyed, comments, votes and follows are always much appreciated. ❤️

~Sparkle ❄️

{Word Count: 1113}

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