Chapter 19 - Just Friends... Okay?

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Wow! Here I am... 60K reads and 1K votes!! THANKS SO MUCH 😆💕

I should treat you guys better, I haven't updated since May. I AM SO SORRY! Please forgive me 😭

Anyway, hope you enjoy, there is gonna be some new drama going around~! 😏

~Sparkle ❄️

Jack's P.O.V

*The Next Day*

I swear I will throw that alarm clock across the room...

I thought to myself as I listened to the constant screeching of the alarm clock. I stared at my new "room". There were unpacked boxes everywhere and I only slept on a mattress last night. Doesn't matter... I shook the thought out of my head.

"Jack! WAKE UP!" Obviously that was Emma... "It's breakfast! You start your new school today Jack!" Mum called from the living room. I was so not used to having a single story house, er... Apartment. I can't wait to move into our mansion. So. Much. Space!

Like I promised Elsa, I picked up my phone and and texted her. I miss her already...

J: Good Morning Snowflake xx

*not to soon after*

E: Good Morning 😊

J: Miss you, have a great day ❤️😄

E: you too 😌. Gtg, bye x

And with that, the conversation ended. I could tell Elsa was upset, I can see it when she types. If she is sad, her texts are usually no more than 5 words.

I entered the kitchen and grabbed a pancake which my mum prepared earlier. I was in a rush, I didn't want to be in this 'house' any longer.

I grabbed my bag and walked out, eating the still 'warmish' pancake. "Oh Jack, Sweetie. Come home quick today, Your Dad and I are taking a look at the progression on our house. So you need to take care of Emma" Mum told me.

I just nodded in response before leaving.

My mum is acting like we are starting a new life, which we aren't! It's only a different one, I still have the same friends and our family hasn't changed. We only moved cities, so it's not like we're starting a new life.

It makes me both angry and upset when I think about leaving Elsa and my friends behind. It's so not fair. To be honest, I would rather not be a wealthy family and stay in burgess than have my dad move here for some stupid new and "better" job.

I snapped out of my thoughts and entered the lift. As soon as the door was about to close, a brown haired girl came running down the hall.

I caught the door just before it closed to let her in. "Thanks" she smiled at me and tucked a strand of her long hair behind her ear.

"Your... Welcome" I stared into her beautiful emerald coloured eyes. Jack snap out of it!

"So your my new neighbour" she said out of the blue, through the silence. "Yeah, I guess" I smiled at her. "Oh, I'm Willow by the way" she held out her hand. "Jack" I replied, shaking her hand.

We stood in the same position for a while before realising the lift wasn't even moving. "Oh, uh... Where are you going?" I asked. "Ground floor. You?" Willow smiled at me sweetly.

"Same" I said. She turned her back to me so she faced the door. "Do you go to Magic High?" I said, noticing the badge on her bag. "Yes, you?" Willow asked "I start today" I replied. I continued to stare into her emerald eyes.

Okay, You need to quit it!... You love Elsa and no one is more beautiful than her.

"Maybe I could show you around the school" Willow stated, "um, I think I'm good. Thanks anyway" I turned down her offer. Why did I do that!?

The lift stopped at the Ground Floor and Willow and I parted ways, "see you around newbie" She punched me playfully.

"Haha yeah," I said back. I kept walking trying not to look at her, I quickly turned around, only to see she was smiling back at me.

On the way to school. I couldn't help it, so many thoughts were running through my brain.

What if Elsa is mad with me forever? What if I end up falling for Willow? What if everyone hates me? For once I'm the new guy, I'm used to being popular...


I reached "Magic High" and continued to look into the gates. As usual, girls were staring at me, wondering who I was, fixing their make up and hair. That will never change I guess...

I went straight to reception where I picked up my timetable and planner. "What a great way to start the new year. English..." I mumbled to myself.

"Oh and Mr Frost!?" The lady at reception called after me. "Your books are already in your locker, which in No. 327" With that, she continued looking at her computer. "Okay thanks" I replied quietly.

Gosh... Now I know how Elsa must have felt starting a new school. Elsa, I really miss her and I feel so bad for leaving her...

I suddenly lost my train of thought when Willow tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey Stranger" She giggled. Hey that's my line, I said that to Elsa when I saw her for the second time. Dang...

"Oh um hi" I smiled back at her and scratched the back of my neck. For some reason I get nervous around her.

"So look, you are really nice and I don't really have any friends-" "I thought you'd have loads of friends your so um... Pretty" I cut her off. "Oh um thanks" she blushed.

"As I was saying, it would be great if we could, hang out some more!" She did a little jump "yeah, I'd love that" I replied. I love Willow's personality... No, Jack you can't... As a friend, Jack, as a friend.

Elsa is your one and only.

"So, newbie. Where are you from?" We started walking toward the locker room. "Burgess" I replied "oh wow, how is it? My dad lives in burgess" her smile faded "if you don't mind me asking, what about your mum?" I was really hesitant into asking that.

"Oh her, I uh, live... With her" she sounded really disappointed about it. "Sorry" I said, regretting what I asked Willow. "It's fine" she put on a fake smile which I could clearly see through. Willow looks sad and slightly hurt on the inside behind her beautiful face.

We reached my locker which both Willow and I attempted to open. And finally when we were just about to give up, the lock clicked open. "What do you have?" She asked "English, you?" I replied "Biology" her chirpy tone softened.

Suddenly, the bell rang and we had to part ways. Willow turned to face me smiled, she was slightly shorter than my shoulder which made things a little strange.

I'm used to looking at Elsa who is slightly taller "so I guess I'll see you later then" I stared into her eyes once again. Enough Jack!... What would Elsa say I'df she saw you like this?

Willow held out her hand once more "friends?" She looked at me hopefully. I replied as I took her hand...


Hey guys! How was this chapter?? So, we have a new "friend" or something more... 😏

Once again, I am so sorry that I haven't updated in 2 months which is the longest time ever!

Also, just be mindful that I haven't edited this chapter yet, I was just so excited to publish it. I will probably go back and edit all the chapters when I finish this book. 😊

Anyway, that's all for now~! Bye my lovelies xx ❤️

{Word Count: 1287}

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