Chapter 24 - I Don't Love You

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Sorry it's been a while!! How are you guys? 😊

Let's start shall we... Hope you enjoy this chapter! ❤️

(Also, if it's not too much trouble, please read the A/N at the end. Thanks!!)

Elsa's P.O.V


"Ahh!!" I cried in pain, my breathing getting heavier yet shallower. I looked down at my torso, the pain increasing as if I got shot! Oh wait... I did.

Just bellow my stomach... there was blood, pouring from the wound. I fell to the ground on my knees, clenching my side tighter. I tried to pace my breathing but I couldn't!

The pain was rushing and rushing and rushing, going throughout my entire body. And my white shirt, stained with the colour red.
My own blood...

I tried to get up to get myself to a hospital or somewhere... I could get help. Help.

"H-" Tears streamed down my face, I was panicking too much causing my voice to become nothing but a mere whisper. "Help!" I used all of my strength and called out. After that, I heard footsteps walking fast, getting closer toward me. I collapsed into a small pool of blood.

The last thing I heard was: "Pitch! What the fuck did you do?!"

I instantly knew who that voice belonged to... Rapunzel.

Rapunzel's P.O.V

*15 minutes earlier*

"Where are we going?" I get into Pitch's stylish black car. "All in good time" he said to me as we sped off. "No, seriously. Pitch" I sighed but then giggled. "We're going to have a little fun" he smirked at me.

"O-okay..." I sat back in the front seat. Why did I not find this at all weird... in some way?

For the past few minutes it was silent, so awkward it was almost painful.

We suddenly pulled up in front of the airport. "What are we doing here?" I asked but this time more firmly, "tell me" I said. He still didn't answer.

"Didn't you hear...?" Pitch started, "hear what?" I turned to face him. "Oh, Jack is coming back to live in burgess. He couldn't leave his poor Elsa... Speaking of her..." He trailed of and pointed out the window where Elsa was walking across the street.

"And!" Pitch wasn't finished speaking, "you said you wanted Jack to be yours. Did you not?" Pitch took out a gun from underneath his seat.

"What are you doing!" I exclaimed trying to open the car door, but Pitch soon locked it from the inside. "I'm doing this for you! Everything I have done, I have done for you. I tried to help you get the boy of your dreams... So I'm finishing this and when I'm done no one will win" he got out of the car with the most evil look on his face.

It only took one shot to bring my poor cousin to the ground. Her clothes stained red and her face was almost lifeless. "No!! No no no!" I pulled at the lock on the door trying to get out. I slammed on the window screaming, tears falling from my eyes.

I soon realised pitch left his keys in the car. I quickly unlocked the door at raced toward Elsa. She was lying on the floor, breathing shallowly. I knelt down next to her and held her. She was faintly whispering "help me please".

"Pitch! What the fuck did you do!?" I yelled at the top of my lungs to him. "I want you to know what it feels like to have EVERYTHING taken from you! I loved you Rapunzel... and I first realised that when we started working together on this whole plan. But you were too blind to see it." He snapped back at me "don't tell me your starting to like your cousin are you?" He smirked.

"Y-your a monster, I could never love someone like you in return. I can't believe you would do this... I don't want Elsa to end up like Tooth. And this time... Your not getting away with murder!" I said back to him in between tears. I quickly dialed 000/911 asking for police and ambulance.

"You'll be okay Elsa just hang in there" I whispered to her as I put down the phone and tried to top the bleeding.

Everything after that happened so fast...

The ambulance took Elsa to the nearest hospital and the police arrested Pitch. I on the other hand, waited for Jack to arrive in Burgess.

Jack's P.O.V


I walked into the waiting area of the airport. Expecting Elsa to be crying as she ran up to me, but she was no where in sight. Instead I saw Punzie. Her eyes were red, I could tell she had been crying.

"Rapunzel, are you okay? What happened? Where's Elsa? I walked up to her. "I have a lot to explain..." She looked at me in sorrow.

Hey everyone!! That's the end of the chapter... I hope it wasn't too OTT for you. 😣

Yeah, firstly I would like to say that I'm sorry for not updating with actual parts lately. Secondly, this chapter kinda explained the whole concept with Pitch and stuff. 😋

So now that's out of the way, I'm gonna focus more on the Jelsa side of things (after all this is a Jelsa fanfic). Yayyy! 😃

Anyway... I would just like to ask you, my fellow readers, one thing:

Have you guys enjoyed the story so far? And if so, why do you enjoy it?

It would mean a lot if some of you could answer. 😊

That's all for now, so thank you!!
Stay wonderful. ❤️

~Sparkle ❄️

{Word Count: 936}

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