Chapter 20 - 6 Months Later

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I have a feeling you are all going to spam me with hate for taking so long to write this chapter... I'm sorry guys, I've been having problems lately. 😣

Don't worry, I still love you all xx 💕 Also, please read the note at the end!

*6 Months Later*

Elsa's P.O.V

I am scared... Ive gone out of my mind. I know that my sister checks on me often, If I'm not at school, you'll always find me in my room. I don't go out, I just lie here and wait... For him.

Elsa, listen. He's forgotten about you... Tears started to form at that thought.

Okay so, here's the story. For a good 4 months or so Jack would text me every morning. And to be honest, it's the only thing that kept me going...

Until one day he just didn't text me and I thought that it was nothing so I let it fly. Until that day, turned into weeks and those weeks turned into a whole month.

Today is the last day of the summer holidays and I never thought I'd say this, but, I'm kinda glad that I'm going back to school, it takes my mind off things.

But there is one thing that I hate when I go to school: Pitch. Over the past couple of weeks he has been acting so... Different.

Everyday, it's the same old thing: I walk into the gates, Pitch is waiting for me. He flirts with me and attempts to kiss me, he fails every time because I either: Slap him or just walk away.

I hate when he flirts with me. I'm so not interested and I'm really scared of what will happen one day if I stand up for myself.

Oh, Jack. Everything has changed without you here, why can't you come home?... HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME! I mentally yelled at him.

*The Next Day* (A/N. Sorry for all the time gaps)

I got off the bus expecting Pitch to be waiting for me at the gate. I was hoping he was late or just forgot about me. But as usual, I was wrong.

There was nothing new there...

"Elsa!" A familiar voice called from behind just as Pitch was about to lean toward me. "Merida! Thank goodness" I had a slight smile on my face as I called out to her.

"I still can't believe it's our last year of high school!" She literally screamed at my face. "I know, Merida..." I sighed.

"You okay, you seem more down than usual, oh... Is it um...?" She closes her eyes for a few seconds. "The anniversary of my parents death, and in another 3 weeks... It'll be since I met Jack" I pulled a fake smile.

"I'm sorry, you know, if I were magic-" I interrupted her, "it's okay" we continued walking to our lockers. 

Merida soon left me as she turned to go to her locker, you would never guess who was waiting for me at mine...

"Hey Snowflake" he said as if he were to mimic Jack, and with that, I lost it!

I could feel the tears welling in my eyes, I didn't know whether to cry or... I JUST DIDNT KNOW.

"Pitch, I've had enough! Leave me alone" I went to slap him but he grabbed my wrist, "you're hurting me, let go!" I yelled. Thank God no-one was in the corridor...

Before I knew it, Hiccup came up behind Pitch and pulled him away from me. I fell to the ground and just stared the two boys getting into a punch up.

Everything from the on was a blur... I only recall Merida crying, trying to stop her boyfriend from getting hurt. Rapunzel was also trying to stop Pitch. "Stop! Stop! Please!" The girls screamed with tears coming down their faces. And I... I just sat and did nothing...

First day back and there's already a punch up, things couldn't get worse.

The two boys wouldn't stop, both their faces were almost half-covered in blood. And the last thing I remember was one of the PE teachers stopping them, and then...

Everything went black.

Jack's P.O.V

"Hey, Willow. Wait up!" I jogged to catch up to her. "Oh I didn't see you there" she pointed out "how was History?". "Fine I guess" I gave her a nervous laugh, "so tell me more about this Elsa of yours... Hm, c'mon I'm listening" she moved closer to me as we continued walking.

It's funny how things have turned out for me at this new high school, I made my way to popularity pretty quickly, I guess things never change... Girls still fix their make up for me. It's funny actually...

"You really wanna know about her, most girls get jealous that I have a girlfriend" I punched Willow playfully. "Nah, I'm not jealous, your my friend remember? What are they for!?" She reminded me as I nodded at her comment.

She and I have become really good friends, these past 6 months.

Oh shit... Speaking of Elsa I need to call her! It's been so long. God, I'm such a bad boyfriend to her.

"Okay well..." Willow snapped me out of my thoughts. "Describe her to me" she continued. "Um, she's beautiful... She has platinum blonde hair and pale skin, she's shy at first but has an amazing personality once you get to know her, you know, she would love to meet you" I told Willow.

"You think, she must be really popular to be able to have a boyfriend like you" willow gave a nervous giggle. "Well no actually, she was new to the school and the first time I saw her... I fell in love with her" I smiled.

Our conversation stopped when Willow had to go to class. "She's lucky to have you you know" She gave me a smile, one that was sad actually.

I didn't give any reply, she doesn't deserve me...

Hello! How was this chapter, once again I am so sorry for not updating! And yeah... Anyways, how are you guys? It's been ages! 😓

"Here" *hands you free cookie for being patiently waiting for this update* 🍪🍪

Bye Lovelies! 💕😊

~Sparkle ❄️

P.S. After I have marked this story as completed, I will re-edit all chapters. As for this one, I haven't edited it since you guys were desperate for an update. 😄❤️

{Word Count: 1073}

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