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Veronica was crying. She was feeling guilty that just because she was weak that made her only brother a serial killer. Vernon said, "The day I read your letters I thought it was a good chance for me to plot a murder plan for the bullies and I'll put the blame on someone else. I heard Alice saying to someone that she had a crush on Anthony so I changed my voice and called Alice and told her that I was Anthony and I wanted to meet her in person. She was waiting outside for me. Then I texted her saying she must go inside and enjoy the party as I would be late. She went inside the hall. I then entered in a same ball gown as hers. I waxed my hands and applied your yellow nail paint. Then I poisoned Anthony's food. After that I came out from the back gate. Then I told Alice that she should come out and I have a surprise for her. She trusted me and came out. I kept a bouquet of rose for her and told her that I would meet her in person the next day in lake forest but I don't want anyone to see her so she should wear a black covered dress. Before she came there I reached there. I heard Kate telling to her friends that she was going to the lake forest for a picnic that day. I found Kates's car, kept a bomb in it and then I fixed a camera on the tree. I told Alice to open the car dicky, keep my gift bouquet there and take out a cloth from the car which I kept there. Then I told her to cover the camera. She did as I said. Then I applied blue lens in my eyes, covered my nose and mouth with a face mask and told Alice that my name is Jack and I really liked her. I also told her that I pretended to be Anthony to get her love and attention and also lied that Kate and Anthony were dating and I was her well wisher. She angrily told me that she would kill Kate with her own hands soon. That eased my work. Then I advised her to give the black robes she wore and I will burn them. I made her realise that if someone finds it and gets to know she came to meet an unknown stranger boy they will doubt her character and that crazy girl trusted me. In the school next day I took out your black robes from your locker and kept it in Alice's locker. There is no camera in the school except for classrooms and that was a good chance for me.

Later that night I quietly entered the school, dug a tunnel and then I went to Alice. I showed her my real face and said that I felt pity for her and I could help her escape from the prison. She trusted me. I told her to write a fake suicide note so that the police won't come searching for her. She did as I said. As soon as she wrote that I strangled her neck and killed her and hanged her dead body on the tree. The police blindly trusted the suicide note that I made her write. Then I went to the pool through the tunnel and killed Daniel when he was doing underwater swimming. That's when I saw Sarah was coming inside the pool. So I executed my plan B. I smartly took the poisonous gas that Alice made in the chemistry lab a few days ago when I was helping her escape the prison. I sprayed that gas all around in the poolroom. Sarah saw my hands but she was smart enough to save herself than catch the murderer. She ran away. The other two boys came to check who was the murderer and died by intake of high quantity of that gas. Everybody believed that Alice was the murderer.

Then the only person whom I suspected could be a proof was Sarah so I deliberately stamped on her shoe lace and ran away. She sat down to tie the lace at that time I threw the death note to Jasmine so that all would suspect Sarah. Then I stamped on your shoes and pushed Sarah on Eva to make you believe that Alice was innocent and Sarah was responsible for all the murders. After all I am an athlete and it won't take much time to push Sarah and run away." Vernon started laughing aloud. Veronica felt disgusted to call him a brother.

Hello readers! Just one more chapter left after this. That would somewhat be like a closing chapter but do read it. You would come to know if Vernon was able to complete his revenge or not. So stay tuned and don't forget to vote and comment.

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