Dumbledore's Army

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I found Harry walking to class. I walked beside him. "Hey", I said. Harry looked at me.

"Iris", Harry said.

"I think we should talk", I said.

"We're talking right now", Harry said. I smiled. Sometimes, I love his sarcastically.

"I know it hasn't been easy, Harry. But me, Hermione and Ron. We're here for you. You're not the only one who feels alone", I said.

Things haven't been the same between me and Neville since I started dating a Slytherin. Me and Ginny barely spoke anymore. Jack was always with the Order now.

"No one else saw Voldemort return and Cedric getting murdered", Harry said.

"Maybe not. But Cho technically dated Cedric. Perhaps she felt alone as she was grieving. And Seamus almost hadn't come this year. Perhaps he felt helpless and believed he wouldn't get to see his friends again. Or...I might be loosing one of my friends because he hates my boyfriend", I said.

"I'm sorry", Harry said.

"My point is, you're not alone and you don't have to feel alone. I believe you. And if Voldemort is back, we shouldn't distance ourselves from others. Just something to think about", I said.

Now, Umbridge, our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, who doesn't teach us anything and works for the Ministry, has taken over Hogwarts.

I walked down the hall. I looked away from Draco as I passed him, Crabbe and Goyle. I noticed Draco looking at me.

I looked out a window to see Fred and George playing catch outside as students gathered around them. But Umbridge came and took their ball. She smiled at she walks away.

A few days later, she tried to fire the Divination teacher, Professor Trelawney. If it wasn't for Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Dumbledore, she would have been fired.

The only good thing that may have came out this week was during lunch, I was sitting with Ron, Hermione and Ginny. Hermione asked Ron if he ever stops eating.

I mean, Ron does love food.

Harry walked over to us. We all looked at him. "Harry", Hermione said.

"Can I join you?" Harry asked.

I smiled at him. I hope he's decided to open up a little more. This is a start. "Of course", I said.


Me, Fred, George, Ginny and Neville were in my room. "That awful woman is taking over the entire school", I said, referring to Umbridge.

"We have to do something", Ginny said.

"What can we do?" Neville asked.

"We need someone to teach us Defense. If Voldemort is really out there, we need a teacher", I said. "I know who to talk to. Let's go".

We ran out of my room. We found Harry, Hermione and Ron in the common room.

"We need someone to teach us defense. We need Harry to be our teacher", I said as we walked towards the three.

"Good. You're already on board", Hermione said.

"We need to start a group and we need to keep it a secret from Umbridge and anyone who stands with her", I said.

"We need everyone to join us. Not just Gryffindors, but Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff as well", Ginny said.

"So will you help us?" Harry asked me, the twins, Ginny and Neville.

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