Danger and Detention

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The next day, I was walking down the halls. I stopped when I saw Draco talking to Umbridge.

I turned around and walked away, but then I heard, "Oh, Miss Black?" I stopped. I hate that perky attitude in her voice. I turned around to look at Malfoy and Umbridge.

Umbridge walked towards me. "Do you mind coming with me?" She asked.

I wanted to say no.

"Sure", I said.

I followed her to her office. She had that smile that I always wanted to smack off her face.

When we got to her office, she asked me to sit down. She got out a quill and a paper.

"Miss Black, I have been noticing that you're spending a lot of time with Mr. Potter", Umbridge said.

"He's my friend and my Godbrother", I said.

"Then, for your Godbrother's sake, do you mind telling me what he's been doing in the room of requirements?" Umbridge asked.

I didn't say anything. "It was a mistake to come here", I said as I stood up.

"Miss Black-"

"Don't tell me what to do!" I shouted in anger. I stopped. I didn't mean to say that. It's just like when I shouted at Dumbledore and when I talked about ripping Fudge to pieces.

I swear I'm not meaning to say this.

"Professor, I'm sorry", I said, but I wasn't because she deserved that. "I didn't-"

"Write on this paper", Umbridge said.

I grabbed the quil and sat in the chair. "What do I write?" I asked.

"Write 'I'm dangerous'", Umbridge said.

I started writing the words on the paper. Then, I felt a sharp pain on my hand.

I looked at my hand. A scar appeared, shaped as letters. The words, "I'm dangerous" was engraved in on my hand.

"Again", Umbridge said. I didn't do anything. The smile on Umbridge's face disappeared. I didn't know whether to be scared or glad. Her hand knocked into mine. Quil left a long line on the paper.

"Aah!" I shouted in pain.

The smile was back on Umbridge's face. "Again", she said. I wrote the word for a second time. "Again". Here it was for the third time.

The words, "I'm dangerous" were written into scars on my hand four times.

I felt like crying, but I wasn't going to give Umbridge the satisfaction.

When I left Umbridge's office, I saw Draco as I walked down the hall.

"Irina", he said.

"Get away from me", I said.

Draco grabbed my hand. The one with the scars on it. I winced in pain. "Draco, my hand. Let go", I said as I yanked my hand away.

Draco grabbed my wrist and looked at the letter engraved scars on my hand.

"Irina", Draco said. The way he looked at me, it's almost as if he cared. "Well your right hook from last year only proves that you know how to punch".

I didn't laugh. "Whatever you said to her, it made her ask me to come to her office and write this four times", I said.

"Are you alright?" Draco asked.

"Don't act like you care", I said.

I walked away from Draco. When I got to the Gryffindor common room, Hermione and Ginny were on the couch, studying.

Fred and George were in the corner, practicing spells. Neville, Seamus, Harry and Ron walked into the common room.

I couldn't let my friends see me in pain. I tried to walk to my dorm unnoticed, but Fred and George looked at me.

"Hey Sunshine", the twins said in union.

"Iris, where have you been?" Ron asked.

"Oh, I was trying to perfect my potion. I'm almost there", I said.

"I hope you get it", Harry said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I hope so too", I said.

Ginny gasped. "Iris", she said. "Let me see your hand".

I put my hand behind my back. My friends and a few other Gryffindors rushed over to me worriedly.

"Don't tell me she got you too", Fred said.

Hermione grabbed my hand and looked at it. She gasped.

Ginny and Neville looked at the scar.

"You wrote it four times?" Ginny asked. Harry, Fred and George looked at the scar. They stood beside me and looked at me worriedly like three protective big brothers.

"When I refused to write it for a second time, she purposely knocked her hand into mine", I said.

"That's it. I'm telling Dumbledore", Ron said.

"No, Ron. Harry's right. Dumbledore has a lot on his mind", I said.

"She's torturing you", Ron said.

"I'm not letting her win", I said.

"Then, we'll give her our chocolates", Fred says.

Which are cursed to make someone's tongue swell or make their face droopy like a sack of pudding.

"Yeah, no one messes with our, Iris", George said.

"I don't want you to get in trouble", I said.

"Getting in trouble is what we do", Fred and George said in union.

"You guys don't get it", I said.

"Then help us so we can", Hermione said.

"There's nothing you can do. I won't ask you to punish someone who's right about me", I said.

"Iris", Ginny said as I walked away. I walked off to my dorm. I closed the door behind me.

I sat on my bed and looked at the scar. All that talk about ripping Cornelius Fudge to pieces and getting angry easily. Was Umbridge right?

Am I dangerous?

Hermione and Ginny came into the dorm. "I can't help but think maybe she's right", I said.

"You are not dangerous, Irina Black", Hermione said.

Hermione and Ginny sat next to me. Harry and Ron came in. "Mind if we could in?" Ron asked. I shook my head. Harry and Ron sat on the other bed.

"I've been feeling strange lately. I thought it was my lack of sleep, but I was wrong. And I question if I really am dangerous", I said.

"You fight to protect your friends and you've trained to take on Voldemort. You punched Malfoy in the face and you made Peter Pettigrew fear you. You prove that you're nothing like Bellatrix Lestrange and you always try to find a way to make things better. You'd never hurt your friends or betray them and you comfort those who are in pain", Harry said. "And if you are dangerous, maybe that's a good thing".

"I'm dangerous to Death Eaters. And Voldemort. I will watch as they crumble and cheer when they loose. I will make sure whoever's killed by Death Eaters, are avenged", I said.

"Then perhaps there's nothing wrong with being dangerous, Irina", Harry said.

"You're our friend. We're here for you", Neville said as he came in.

"We're all here for you, Sunshine", Fred said as he and George walked in. I smiled at them.

"Thank you. For being here for me", I said.

"What are friends for", Ron said.

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