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I changed out of the outfit that night before I joined Fred and George.

We walked through the castle to look for someone who had finished Umbridge's detention

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We walked through the castle to look for someone who had finished Umbridge's detention.

I saw a little girl sitting on a bench. The little girl sobbed. She looked 11 or 12. She had light brown hair. She was a Hufflepuff.

"I got this", I told the twins before I walked towards the little girl. I kneeled in front of her. "Hi sweetheart. What's your name?"

"Maya", The girl said.

"That's a beautiful name. May I take a look at your hand?" I asked. I gently grabbed her hand. The words, "I must be punished" was engraved on her hand.

"I thought my mom said this place was good", Maya said.

"It was. Until that awful woman came", I said.

"I don't like it here. I want to go home", Maya sobbed.

"Look at this", I said, showing her the four "I'm dangerous" written on my hand. It was almost faded away. "I had to write mine four times. But it's almost faded. See, you can barely see it. And the pain stops".

"It hurts", Maya said.

"This pain you are feeling is really strong. I know", I said. I stopped and realized I had said that in my vision when my new potion went wrong.

I didn't let that stop me from making a speech that was either going to be really inspiring or really really corny.

"Think of it like this. Pain is like this prison. When you're in pain, you might feel helpless or this...drowning feeling. You might shed a few tears, but like every prison, it breaks. It doesn't hold you down and you remind yourself that you have the wings to fly out of it. And with your friends by yourself, you can definitely break out of that prison. And with enough strength, we can beat her. We will win and you will have the right experience here", I said.

Maya smiled at me. "You're very wise. Are you a superhero?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No. I'm no hero", I said.

"Hello Cuz", I heard a voice behind me. I stood up and turned around to look at Malfoy.

I walked towards him. "We need to do something. We all have to stop her", I said.

"Well good luck finding someone who will help", Draco said.

"You can't be serious. Look what she is doing to this little girl!" I argued as I gestured to Maya. "Why don't you care?"

"Why do you care?" Draco asked.

"Please tell me you aren't so blinded. I want to believe that not all Slytherins are a bunch of cold-hearted, selfish, stuck-up evil little arseholes!" I argued.

"Well maybe that's you're problem, Irina. You care too much. I mean, did you really think I'd have a soft spot for you because we're family?" Draco asked.

"Don't make this about you or me. And for your information, I thought maybe there was good in you after I started dating a Slytherin. So maybe I was wrong. Maybe-"

I stopped myself. I felt the sudden thirst for dark magic. I looked at Maya.

"Get back to your house. Quickly", I said. Maya got up before she ran away, rushing to the Hufflepuff common room.

"What's wrong, Black? You're gonna punch me again?" Draco asked.

"Not now, Draco. It's happening again", I said. "I don't want it. I don't want it. No. No, no, no, no, no".

"Irina", Draco said.

"I've been feeling weird this whole year. It's almost like someone's controlling my mind", I said. "I can't stop it. What's happening to me?".

I heard someone coming and that perky voice I hate so much. Umbridge.

"Come with me", Draco said. I grabbed his hand. We ran through the halls of the castle.

I don't know where he was taking me, but for the first time in my life, I trusted Draco Malfoy.


He led me outside, to the courtyard. I sat on the fountain outside the castle. Draco sat beside me.

"Tell me about this weird feeling", Draco said.

"It started before Harry's hearing. I was mad at Cornelius Fudge and I talked about ripping him apart. It just slipped. And I hadn't gotten much sleep this summer because of my nightmares so I thought it could have been caused by my lack of sleep, but then I shouted at Dumbledore and Umbridge", I explained.

"Badass", Draco said. I rolled my eyes. He's so annoying.

"And just now, I had a thirst for...Dark Arts. Something's happening to me", I said.

"You can't tell Umbridge. We don't know what she'll do", Draco said.

"Yeah, I know I can't tell her that someone is trying take over my mind", I said.

"I always knew you were dangerous".

Me and Draco looked at Umbridge and Filch. "I knew, from the moment I saw you, you are no different from Sirius Black", Umbridge said with that annoying smile of her. She looked at Filch. "Lock her up in the Dark tower".

I pulled out my wand. Wait. I'm not in control!

I chuckled. "You really think you can lock me up? The rumors are true. Voldemort's back. I've learned to except that", I said. "Why can't you, Dolores?"

I'm not saying this! Stop!

"Maybe Voldemort will eliminate the one person who's worse than him and maybe-" I laughed evily. "Perhaps I'll watch as he tears you piece by piece. By piece", I said.

I dropped my wand. I was back in control. I looked at Draco. "That wasn't me", I told him.

"I know", Draco said.

Umbridge, on the other hand, didn't care.

"Take her away", Umbridge said. Filch grabbed me and dragged me to the tower near the Transfiguration Courtyard, where there were cells. A prison.

Something fell out of my pocket. Filch stopped and looked at it. When Umbridge picked it up, I realized it was my toy mouse.

"No. Give it to me!" I shouted.

Umbridge looked at me with her sickening smile. Umbridge dropped it on the ground.

"Incendio", Umbridge said, pointing her wand at the toy mouse. My favorite toy mouse, a gift from my father, caught on fire.

"No!" I shouted.

"Goodbye, Miss Black", Umbridge said. "The Ministry will decide your fate tomorrow".

Filch took me all the way to the Dark tower and to my cell, where Filch locked me up as if I were a dangerous animal.

The Girl Who Fought the Darkness(Sequel of The Prisoner's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now