Chapter 1

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    Warning: this involves when the war started and that means death and blood.

  The sky is red, the collapsed building filled with blood and body everywhere. And everywhere was filled with people of screaming crying for help, it was in the middle of the Archon war the darkest era in teyvet, you were there but on the sideline as a doctor that have been chosen to have a vision and your knowledge on the medical, even though you study medical to help those in need, it was chaos when you were in war.

" I didn't sign up for this!", said you as you were putting a bandit on the soldier who was lying on the iron bed that was made for one person.

"Sorry...Doctor, uncomfortable," said the soldier, as he trying to speak

"If you were sorry, try not to get stab next time," said as you finish putting up the bandit, " try to get some rest, Don't push yourself too hard" The soldier nob and fall asleep and you walk away to another soldier

The war that happen now have injured and killed many people, the war between God,

'the war that I didn't want to get involve and trying to avoid no matter what still manage to make me go', *tsk* you click your tongue not hard enough to make other around you hear it, this have become one your habit since got here and another habit is-


'Oh no! We went boom again...' said as you are trying to help a patient next to you up to another safe place. And yes, your other habit is running away or you will get a boom or that's what you call it, the place that you stay right now is a neutral zone or the safe zone, that is what the other soldiers call it but it keeps getting Boom everytime.

"Every Doctor!! help patience and follow the red line" said one of the head doctors.

What is the red line? It is one thing that only a doctor can see when assigned to war, to another SAFE ZONE...!

"Honey! We can do this, I am here and you are here, we're in this together" said one of the female doctors to an injured soldier, "love....go ahead leave me here, I can no longer can live" said the soldier making the female burst into tears, "NO! If you die, I'll go with you so you have to keeping living too if you don't want me to die" said the female as she hurry getting to the safe place,

you were there listening to the whole conversation making you angry for some reason, can't help but curse at them from behind, 'we are in the middle of the war! How can she find a lover in this periods', trying to hold your tears, you scream instead that surprise the soldier that you are curried with.

~ A whole of hour of trying to not die later~

Now you are in another safe place that been provide and a shield that surround it, 'it will last for some weeks,' you thought to yourself

"Doctor y/n!" said one the soldier

"Yes?" it is not quite surprising that the soldier knew you, you were pretty famous yourself as a top doctor, that might be why you were also in a war... 'Dang it, why am I so smart trying to get myself killed'

"Doctor, this is something that was given to all doctors when they were in danger", the soldier explained as he handed the glow stick to you, " This will help you teleport to the safe zone, it carries two people so use it wisely. Just break it in half and that should do it"

"TELEPORT!?!" you shout at the soldier making him fluster

"Yes?" the soldier confuse

"Then give me more! Why one?"

"I-It limited and it just something that c-came out recently"

'One? What am I gonna do with one? What happened to the place I teleported to and also got Bom?' your expression was now pissed making the soldier retreat

"W-w-well now that I give it to you, I-I will excuse yourself, m-may the Archon be with you!" said the soldier and dash out as soon as possible

'Who?be with who?Be with me? THEY PUT ME IN THIS SITUATION!!!' said to yourself again trying to hold back tears.


You are now giving a break standing outside of the camp but not out the shield that were put in protection, chewing on the candy that you like, you always carry sweets around, "sugar is best when in this situation..." and sweet tooth like you, problem solved when eating something sweet, that always cheers you up.

"HMM! This is so GOOD!" enjoying the flavor in your mouth


suddenly you heard a cries from somewhere outside, you try to ignore it because it outside of the shield

"Someone! Please help my child!" The crying is louder than before, you look around to see if anyone can help instead but luck is not on your side, you scan the area and see a father that is kneeling on the ground as his leg was broken with the child in his arm that seems to be injured.


"Someone please..." that father was now crying, hugging the child


"Dammit!" you run to the father and his child, no matter how you want to live, as a doctor you can't abandon others who are in need of help.

You run outside of the shield to the father who was quite far away from the safe zone.

"What happened?"

"Doctor Y/N?!" the father face lit up when seeing you

"Yes it me, come on let me help you up!" as you begin helping him, the monster comes out of nowhere and surrounds you and the father, you quickly use your vision to shield you and father and his son.

'I can't fight them and protect them at the same time!'

"Doctor y/n...Please leave me here and help my son instead-"

"Can't do, I'm a doctor" you reach in your pocket and get the glow stick out 'Dammit!' and give to the father and son, "hold this, A-And B-Break it! And it will help you T-teleport to a safe zone"

"But what about you!?" the father now was concern about you

"I-I'll be fine, Hurry and do it, I can't hold it any longer!" you shouted at him

"T-thank you, I-I will remember your kindness...." the father begin to cry as he break the glow stick and disappear, he know full well that you can't last any longer.

'Now what! Great job on being a hero!" This time the tear that you were holding began to come out uncontrollably. To make matters worse, suddenly a big Rock came out of the sky coming toward you. It was really bright, making you close your eyes.

"So, this is it...fu*k"

The next thing was darkness


"Big Sis! Are you alright?" a small girl's voice, ringing in your ear. You slowly open your eyes and wake up on a soft bed with a little girl next to you

"Huh? Where am I" you begin to sit up and pain starts to hurt all over you "OUCH!"

"OH! You are awake!" a woman voice start coming in

"Mommy! Big sis wake up!" the girl run to her and hug her, you look out the Window and see everything is different then before, it was bright and peaceful

"Where am I?" you ask

"In my house! We found you a week ago lying the ground in the forest"

'Huh? Forest? I was at war before I...'

"W-what about the war?" you ask the woman

"War? What are you talking about?" the women was confuse

" The Archorn War!!!" you ask her

"Oh my! That was already about 1900 years ago. You must be confuse" said the women as she give out a small smile of concerned


      To be continued..

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