Chapter 34

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This Chapter will go back and forth between Places, I hope I don't confuse you


2 months later


"Well, Doctor y/n. What should we do next?" said the man with half of his mask on "when are we gonna use that awesome medicine that you show everyone!"

"You mean 'I' gonna use them, I have no intention of letting you know my secret" you turn away from him.

"Oh come on now, as a doctor myself we should share knowledge that what call the way of Doctor, don't you think," he said

"I'm not sharing anything with anyone especially you. Now if you excuse me, I have a patient that needs my attention" you got up from your seat and walked toward the door but stop

"Are you not gonna bring that medicine of yours?" said the man with half of his mask on, he held the small box in his hand.

"Please don't touch my stuff" you sigh*

"mmm..." he pounder "no reaction huh," he mumbles.

"Will you get out of my office?" you said showing him outside

"Haha, right right" he scratches his head, walks past you, and turns back to face you "so who is this Xiao person? Is he handsome?"

"Don't you have something better to do than be useless? And yes he is"

"Come on, we should share information. Sharing is caring, don't you think?" said he

"Not with you" you close the door and lock them "bye"

"Hmm" he looks at you from behind as a small grin appears on him, in his hand, he holds something so small and round like a small pearl.

4 months later


"Lumine, Don't you think we should order more just in case?" said Paimon

"For what? For you?" said Lumine as she cross her arm.

"We should make an exception since it's lantern rite!"

"Still a No!" she pinches Paimon's cheek "you gluten!"


Paimon stops and looks to her side "huh? Look, is that...Xiao?"

Lumine follows "hm? He is Xiao, what is he doing here?"

The two walk toward him "hey Xiao! Fancy seeing you here" said Paimon

"It's you two..."

"Hi" Lumine waves her hand "what brings you here to the harbor today?"

"It's..." he looks a bit hesitant "Traveler, I have a request. Would you help me with it?" he finally said it

"Xiao! Have a Request for Us?!" shock Paimon

"Sure? What is it though?" Lumine ask

"um...what, er what do girl like? For gift..." he turns his face away

Paimon and Lumine look at each other and finally hit them "for y/n!!" Paimon shout

"..." he stays quiet

Lumine covers Paimon's mouth "sorry about her but if you want to throw her into the ocean. By all means, go ahead"

"Sigh*" he let out "'s just it surprise that everyone knew..."

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