Chapter 37

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"I'm sorry! I will not do it again!" he kneels on the ground in front of an inn room.

"..." a girl half-awake with her nightgown standing at her door "...?"

"Please forgive me!" the man with green hair beg

"...what?" still half-awake "Baizhu...what time is it?" she asks

"Um...maybe 1?"

"So you do know, come back tomorrow..." she was about to close the door but was stopped by an arm behind her.

"If, if I don't reflex now I will never be able to sleep!" he shouted, "please! Master..."

'Really?' she looks at him in disbelief and tired "...sigh* come on in..."

  As they walk in, she was not alone, someone is sleeping in there too, his back against the wall also half-awake "you're back?..." he asks as he rub his eye.

"yes...but not alone..." she turns behind to see Baizhu look a bit hurt but he composes himself...

"I see you not alone..." he turned his head away

"Well, someone decides to give all his attention to me today haha!" said she laughing to herself.


"So what do you want to reflex on?" she asks sitting down on the nearest chair "but looking at seems like a confession"

  Baizhu jumps as he look at her while Xiao stays quiet, more like going back to sleep.

"Sit down, I feel like it gonna be a long night..." she smiles, signaling him to sit

  Baizhu nods and sits down across from her, he turns to look at her curiously " know didn't you?..." he asks but he knows deep down what the answer is

"Know of what?" She tilted her head

"About me and the Fatui working together!" He shouted "you know didn't you!" feeling mixed emotions in his eyes.

"Oh, I do. I did warn you not to go near them, didn't I?" She smile as she got a little sleepy

"'s was for your own won't be any harm as long as they protect you...right?" He asks getting a bit closer.

"Fatui may be strong but they are still a dangerous organization, I've been trying to find a way to cut ties with them, and as you see right now...I'm here" she smiles with relief in her eyes "and don't worry about them coming to you, I make sure they will not lay a finger on you and Qiqi!" she Proudly smiles.

  Baizhu looks at her as she smiles brightly feeling guilty about what he has been doing "I'm sorry..." he apologized, his face down "I'm sorry" said he as tears came down without warning.

"Mhm..." she gets up and pads his shoulders "Baizhu, you will always be a precious student of mine. Don't forget matter how wrong you have committed I will never be mad at you"

"I..." he does not dare to look at her "I will remember that" he quietly sobs as y/n tries to cheer him up.


"..." you look out the window seeing Baizhu leave.

Though you said you will not be angry, the emotion is somehow still stuck to you like cement.

You Sigh* "I really wish for a better day..." you turn around seeing someone standing behind with his top off "don't you think so?"

"Hm," he hums "for me, as long I see you, it's enough" he gets closer and plays with your hair "even if You might belong to long as you are happy" he smiles "that is enough for me..."

"Xiao..." a smile appears on you "that's so sweet of you!" you leap to hug him "promise you would be with me..."

"Even if I have a wait for another 2000 years," he said hugging you back "to the end of my time" his smile appear making your heart skip.

You look into his eyes as sincere as his words, his golden eyes shine so brightly despite it night, his words are so sweet making you adore him even more to the point of being hard to believe him.

"I promise! I will never let you go" he said

How hard It is to not believe him when his eyes are like his words.

"And if you broke my heart?" you ask as a tease to him

"That's will never happen" words as serious as he looks.

"Hehe..." you can't help but giggle to yourself "alright, I will leave part of my world to you"

"No, y/n I want to be in your world, I want to your world," he said caressing the side of your hair.

His words are too sweet to believe in but "And I will let you in..."

"And I will cherish you" he continued, Xiao lean in closer and kissed your lip when you part he smile and look at you "too sweet..."

Along with the words, you have been smiling to the point of forgetting the sadness you held.

"It's too sweet for me too," you said looking at him who wanted something "shall we?" you blur out quietly but enough to xiao hear them too.

"Mhm..." he nods as he lifts you, he lay you on the bed and still on top of you, he looks hesitant...

Seeing him like this you wrap your arm around his neck to pull him in a kiss, a Long kiss. The two of you part way panting for breath.

"Hehe!" you giggle again seeing him like this

"Must be really funny"

"Well, this is Mr. Adepti after all, who would have really believed seeing him in front of them like this and is his lover, he is a part of their world-"

"Your world" he corrects you

"Haha! Yes, my and mine alone" you laugh making Xiao embrace you tightly "that tickle!"

"..." he starts kissing you all over "let's see how long you can laugh" small smirks appear near his lip.

"Eh?" You can feel a bit embarrassed hearing those words from him, you turn away to avoid his eyes that keep fixed on you.



"Look at me, Let me see you" he whispers

  You slowly turn to him, who is on top of you "I..." what do you want to tell him? You wanted to say something but nothing has come to all.

"What is it?..."

" won't abandon me after this, will you?"

"Never" he leans in close "abandon you is never an option" he kisses your cheek.

"Haha! I can't help but believe you" you smile, wrapping your arm around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss on the lip.

  How the silence of the night is, as the moonrises make everything feel so bright and light in the heart.

To be Continued...

Sorry, I don't know how to write that kind of thing... 

anyway~ how are u all enjoy Chasm so far! for me it was super fun! i almost forgot to update this ff bc of Chasm lol 

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