Chapter 13

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 Evening comes rolling in, the blue sky turns crimson, the sun turns to moon, animals start to go into their cave only monsters start to come out.

"Xiao...huff* huff* Can...we take a...break a bit..." you Call out, "my leg...huff* huff* it can't go on..." your breathing heavier.

"We're almost there..." he said

"But Xiao! We haven't taken...a break since we...left!" trying to calm down

  He turns around and looks at you, who breathing heavier than before, sigh* he let out, "here" he extend his hand

"?" you look at his hand confused, "um?" without knowing what to do, you put your hand on his. He gently holds your hand and pulls you up to the nearest Cliff, to let you sit down

"Thank you.."


  The two of you are on your way up the mountain, that have no path to walk on except climbing, to find an herb that only blooms every 10 years. The last time you were here the flower was already rotten away. You were late by 10min, though when it bloomed it would take 5 days for it to rot.

You told Xiao that when you were on your way up the mountain, he did ask why you were here.


 You drink some of the water from your water bottle, "haaa~ that feels a bit better..."  you peek at the man standing next to you facing another way, 'does he not get tired?'

 You grab Xiao's clothes a bit to get his attention, he turns toward you, "need more time?" he asks, you shake your head and give him your water bottle

"drink some!" 

"As an Adeptus, this is nothing!" he said, turning his head away "Hmph!"

You let out a little giggle, "drinking some won't hurt you in any way, it's not poison or you just don't trust me-"

"I never said that!" he cries out, and takes the water bottle away from you and drinks it.

You were caught by surprise when he took the water bottle away from you, but can't help and laugh.

"What's so funny now?" he asks, wiping the water drop away from his lip with his hand.

"Haha! Nothing~" you beam, 'just thought that you were being cute!' you giggle to yourself again leaving Xiao confused.

"So are you ready to go now?" he tilted his head waiting for your answer

"Of course!" you stand up, "Let's go- ouch!" you sit back down on the ground, Xiao comes sitting the same height as you looking a bit worried. You look back into your ankle was swollen 'oh dear~ when did this happen'

"Your ankle..."

"I'm ok! It's just a little sprain" you tell him.

"When?!" he look a bit angry, "If I should have let you take a break..." he feel a bit down

 You tap on his shoulder, "Come on Xiao, it is not your fault or mine...some at least. Accidents happen all the time. No one can predict what will happen" you smile, reassuring him, he still looks like it was his fault.

"Don't worry too much, I'll just wrap it in something cold to swell the swollen"

"Then I'll do it!" he said confidently

You were caught by surprise again, "You? Xiao? Really? Are you sure about this?" you ask him

"Hmph! It's not hard, I see you wrap my arm didn't I? It should be the same!" he takes the white roll bandage from your hand and started rolling the bandage around your foot. 

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