Chapter 5

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The room in Wangshu inn may look small from the outside but it is spacious from the inside including the furniture that decorated the room make it look 100% time better, you didn't pay attention to anything when you walk in. The only thing you see is the soft bed that was put near the window that you can see outside.

You sit on the bed and then lay down thinking about something.....


"Is Liyue now so advanced...that they don't need to introduce themselves? ...hmmmmm...isn't this how we exchange greetings?....when Verr asked me my name!, she also introduced herself..and her husband back..." you put your hand on your head, "Aghhhhh! I give up...I'll ask Verr tomorrow...maybe he doesn't know how to speak, it is his illness?"

As You have said that your entire body starts to sink in with the bed making your eyes start to shut close by themselves, 'this is such a long day already meeting new people can be exhausting sometimes'....and you fall asleep.

————— Day 1 / 7 till the rite of parting

~ Morning~

Even though you're up far away from the ground you can still hear people bustling with voices, having a conversation, eating, kids playing all around.

this kind of activity wakes you up, who is still sitting in bed and looking out the window, still half asleep. 'beautiful mornings...' you scan the people who were on the ground busy with their day, "Yeh, no one dying.. I'm going back to sleep..." you lay back down and cover yourself with your blanket.


'Not now stomach..let me sleep a bit more'




You sit up and put your hand on your stomach, 'I'm hungry...guess it means it's time to start the day!'

You get up and stretch your body *yawn~* and start the day by taking a quick bath, after you come out and get ready. when going to exit you are about to put on your hood but decide to leave it In the room instead.

Waking to the Verr who was busy with a lot of paper on her desk and her hand on her head,


"Hi! Verr" she looks up and smiles but she looks exhausted

"Hello to you too y/n! what can I do for you?"

" is the restaurant?"

"Ahh! Yes, I didn't tell you that, did I? right now there are more guests coming in than usual so the restaurant is booked now!"

"The whole restaurant! Did they come for the rite of parting too?"

"Haha...part of that too yes...but don't worry you can still use the table that was near the kitchen it was only for....staff but that was the only that still available..." she bowlike to ask for forgiveness

"W-what!? Why are you bowing! Stand straight...and I'm alright with the table that is still available, really!"

"I am grateful that you said that" she stands straight, "let me show you the place.." and she walks you to the only table left down the stairs near the kitchen

There you see the chef who was busy with food along with the staff in there helping him

"What would you like to have?" Verr hand you the menu

"Hmm..there are a lot of choices...maybe something simple like (your choice) and can I have two orders of it too!"

Verr looks surprised but she laughs, and you smile at her and hand her back the menu. Not too long, Verr arrives with the food and puts it down on the table and it smells amazingly Good. Verr about to go when you call her out

"Wait! Verr!", she turns back to look at you confused

"What else can I do for you?"

"Here! Come sit here!" You give her a warm smile, confused by your words. She still sits down next to you and you gives her another order of food that you ordered, She looks confused

"Try eating something, it helps with stress. looking at your complex, you have woken up really early this morning and I bet you haven't eaten yet, here try something!"

"H-how could I eat with doc- you y/n!" She felt touched but She shook her head, "And I can't be eating right now I have other papers to do!"

"Really? Then how about be my company while I eat then, I'll be lonely if you go..." you look at her, making Verr give up at your persistent

"Alright...just a little bit then..." and she sat next to you and put the food in her mouth and her eyes widened at the taste. You both eat and talk making the food really more enjoyable!


sometime later you still sitting at the same table while Verr excuses herself back to work. you were reading book that you always carry around, it a book about herb and medicine.

suddenly a person put a dish on the table making you flinch, it was the head chef Smiley, he put the unfamiliar dish on the table, "what is the dish call?"

"ha! this is Almond tofu! the dish I'm proud to make!" he grins

"Look delicious.....can I try some?!"

"uh, no this is for-" he panics when you about to grab the dish

"That for me!" a familiar voice speak out, you turn to look and it was the same person you see last night.

He comes and sit down at the table and grab the dish from you and put the tofu in his mouth, the chef see that and smile "how the dish Sir. Adepti?"


"Mhm.." he didn't say anything and just nob.

Chef smile and walk away waving back at you "I'll make one for you later on!" your eyes widen, and wave back at him.

you turn back to look at this Adepti who was eating his Almond Tofu, 'Little Luo...I can actually fulfill your unbelievable request!'

looking at this Adpeti eating is like a piece of art, he was silently eating just with himself just himself and no one else. you focused on him on every detail, making the Adepti stop eating

"Don't you have something to do!? why are you still here!" he put down his spoon, turn to look at you

"Woah! you speak, this is unbelievable I thought you couldn't speak!" you clap your hand

"What!" he frowns his eyebrow

"ah! that come out wrong, I didn't mean it in a bad term. I just thought maybe you were sick to the point that you can't speak..." you try to explain


"W-well yesterday, when I introduce myself, you didn't do it back S-so if it were somebody else they would think the same as me!" you try to explain your reason

He sighs looking at you as if you have some illness yourself, "Adeptus Xiao.." he looks away and goes back to eating his food

"huh? oh, your name is Xiao!" you tilt your head and laugh, "um, nice to meet you too Xiao" he still eating silently by himself but sometimes peeks back at you who still here reading your book.

An unexpected afternoon encounter that will go away soon but little did you both know, this is not a mere coincident that let you both meet.

To be Continue...

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