Chapter 15

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"R-righttttt, I almost forgot..." you scratch your head "yes I am...going to Liyue harbor..." you answer nervously,

"You can't go in this condition! Stay one more day!" Verr protests

"Verr...You're really nice but" you hesitate, "But I can't, I have already sent a letter to them. If I don't go, It's like breaking a promise to them." you smile.

"You can't walk with this ankle," she looks worried.

"Don't worry, I can use my Vision-"

"You can't!" a voice that was quiet for some time finally spoke out, "You can't...I-It's making you tired..." he said, he didn't turn to you, his head face down.

"Xiao..." you turn to see Verr and her husband look at you worried, "I-I...sign* alright-" you were cut off by another voice.

"ME!" the unknown man raises his hand up, "Me, Me! I'll take you there, to Liyue Harbor I mean," he said looking proud but Verr and the others not really.

"Really! Thank you" you beam, making the unknown man flinch,  "See guy, now you don't have to worry about me and my ankle, I'll send a letter to my disciple- uh, friend to help me with my injury!"

"But-" Verr is going to fight more but her husband stops her and she gives up. "You should go rest now, The sun is not staying out all night!" her husband smile

"Yes! Thank you, I'll be leaving now" you look at Xiao lost in his thought, 'maybe he's tired, I should go to my room by myself'

  you tap his shoulder, "Xiao, you can put me down. I can go by myself from here-", he glances back at you "I'll take you there" and begins to walk off to your room. Leaving the three of them alone.

"I'll wait for you until you come down!" the unknown man shouted and waved from behind blush brightly.  Verr looks at him like she wants to throw him out of the balcony but her husband stops her once again.


  On the way to your room, Xiao is quieter than before. "It's this room" you point to one of the doors, "Mhm" and he walks toward the room.

  You unlock the door and about to get off him, he just walks into your room, "Wait! Don't go in" when he in, he looks at the State of your room.

"What a...mess" he paused, "Did you do this?" he asks

"yes..." feeling a bit embarrassed, "That's why I try to not let you in!" you punch (softly, like when we play) his back, "now can you put me down..."

  He walks toward the bed and sits you down, you can still feel the stare he is looking around and back at you. 'Agh, stop looking!'

"When are you leaving?" he asks, looking at the big mess on the table.

"When the sun rises, which is....SOON!" you jump, "Oh dear! I need to pack up!" you try to stand up but Xiao pushes you back down.

"Calm down will you?" he sighs* "Didn't that man say he will wait for you, so you can go whenever you want" he walks around the room trying to find something.

"yes...I need to calm down..." you take a breath in, and breathe out. You look back at Xiao walking aimlessly to find something, you tilt your head "Are you looking for something?".

"....D-Do you have a small cloth?" he asked

"Yes? Why do you need it?"

"To wash something off"

"Um? It should be right at that corner near the desk..." you point it to him. Xiao grabbed it and went to the bathroom and came out with the wet cloth.

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