Chapter One: Memories

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~lucy six years old~

Me and Mommy was playing together in the yard then she fell to the ground shaking. Mommys hair was in her face and she looked pale like our walls inside my home.

I soon ran inside to find daddy in his study. When I told him about mommy he jumped up out of his seat and ran to the yard. When he got there she was still and a maid called the hospital.

About five minutes later the ambulance drove lucy, her mom, and her dad to the hospital. When they got there they told lucy and her father to sit out here till further notice.

~three hours later~

The doctor came out and signaled for us to come see mommy.I ran inside and hugged her as tight as I can. Her long blonde hair was in a bun but yet strands seemed to escape. She stroked my hair as hugged me back.

"Mommy that wasn't funny you scared me" I said crying in her arms.

"I'm s-sorry for scaring y-you Lucy" I can hear the sadness in her voice.

"Here Lucy I want you to have this." She gave me 3 keys two silver one gold.

"Thank you" I said I was happy to revive keys even tho it wasnt much.

"I know it isn't much but now you can be the wizard you always wanted to be."

I smiled really big at my mom. Then the heart monider started going slow. She looked at it and back at me.She cupped my cheek

"Remember...Lucy...I follow...your dreams..." she took her last breath while her hand sliding of my cheek.

"MOMMYYYY"yelled Lucy.

I would never forget you.

~two years later~

Every time I ask father to see my moms grave he would tell me i'm too busy, why go if you don't wanna cry,HER DEATH WAS YOUR FAULT CAN'T YOU SEE THAT'

I guess he forgot that it wasn't my fault and I still loved my mom. Dead or not. She's my mom and I cried for two weeks while you didn't shed a tear.

I'm gonna run away and never come back. Forget being rich,for never working for the rest of my life, the outfits I'm done I'm done. Good bye dad,old life,and richness. I'll work to care for myself.'

Lucy Now

I felt the feeling as rays of the sun hitting my face. I sat up on my bed to only see pink hair all spiked up and start to realize it was natsu.

"Good morning Lucy"

"Good morning natsu...NATSU WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED"

"I was sleeping jeez calm down I was about to leave anyway"

"Sorry for yelling, you just scared me"

"Its okay um what where you dreaming about anyways. I saw you tearing"asked natsu worried

"Nah I'm just just a dream that happened in the past."

"Oh um you wanna talk about it"

"Sure I have to tell someone anyway"said lucy as she took a deep breath and said" well when I was like six or seven me and my mom was playing outside ...then she fell on the ground and started shaking...I-I went to my father and the ambulance came and took my mother...Me and my dad was waiting in the waiting room for her. About two hours later the doctor came out saying we can see her. That's how I got my first keys to t celestrial world. She placed her hand on my cheek and told me s-She loved m-me no matter w-what. Then she passed away with her hand still on my cheek. Two years later my father blamed me for my mother's death and he didn't shed a tear. That's when I ran away from my f-father" lucy started crying.

Natsu listened carefully he then got up to hug lucy and let her cry on his shoulders. Then he let go right after the hug lasted for like forever.

"L-lucy ....I....I'll see you at the guild okay"

"Okay natsu"

Then he jumped out of the window from Lucy's room.

Natsu felt bad for lucy and what she's been threw but that's the passed...she still has him and the guild no matter what.

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