Chapter 16

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This chapter is Designated to @Kalina-Chan even if she doesn't have Wattpad anymore


I rolled over and looked at him "No zancrow, I quit grimwar heart. I'm apart of Fairy Tail, and I'm not leaving this time"

Zancrow stood up straight and punched me in the gut, before I fell unconscious again I heard him say "You will stay at grimwar heart, no matter what"

Lucy POV

I was walking back to the guild with one of my friends from the magic council. She had Lavender hair with black tips at the end. She was walking next to me with her Exceed Kalina (Yup I said exceed because she's a universal Dragon slayer like me... She's sorta related to me).

When we reached the guild doors she held my hand "Are you ready Makani"

She gripped my hand tighter "What if they don't like me Lucy. What happens if they don't like me because of my eyes"

I smiled and gave her a hug to calm her down "Its okay Kali-chan they will accept you with open arms and there's nothing wrong with your eyes they are absolutly beautiful"

She let go of me and nodded "Thank you Lu-chan, come on I can't waittyo join your guild"

Mikani's whole name is Mikani Nekomisa. Like I said before she's a universal dragon slayer just like me but not as powerful. She has beautiful lavender hair with black tips. The thing about her eyes is one side is light blue and the other I light green. She likes to be called Kali-Chan. She has an exceed named Kalina who is quite shy around others.

I opened the guild doors and everyone greeted me. I or should I say Mikani was still holding my hand while I was walking towards the bar. Once I got there Mira smiled at me.

"Hey Lucy.. Who's that behind you" she said as she was drying a bear mug

I smiled and made her stand next to me "This is a relative of mine who is also apart of the magic council. She wishes to join the guild"

Mira placed the mug down and flashed one of Natsu's toothy grin... But not to well "Master is in his office"

Mikani and I bowed our heads then headed up the stairs to Masters office. I knocked on the door and master told us too come in.

I walked inside and Mikani... Stood out side the room "Hello Lucy, what can I do for you"

I smiled and pulled Mikani inside "Mikani wishes to join the guild and be on my team"

Gramps looked at her and smiled "Of course you can join, now where do you want your guild mark to be and where"

She took two steps closer to gramps but had her head down "Um silver with gold outlining please on the right of my stomach"

Gramps called Mira and she stamped her. Mikani looked at me with a smile on her face "Look Lucy, IMA part of fairy tail and on your team, I can't wait to start working with you"

I smiled and gave her a hug while gramps jumped off his desk "come on let's introduce you too the guild"

Mira POV

I am so happy one of Lucy's family members joined us, and I think she's a dragon slayer just like Lucy. But if Lucy is a dragon slayer then why doesn't she have a exceed and Mikani does. I don't know. I thought as I was preparing Natsu's lunch.

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