Chapter Three: Good-bye letters

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Lucy POV

After I walked out the guild I couldn't stop myself from crying. I was standing there as tears rolled down my cheeks. My bangs covered my eyes and some hair stuck to my face. I must have been standing out here for a minute. Then I saw a girl with white short hair walk to me.

"Lucy right well anyways why are you standing like that"

I didn't answer all I did was look up at her and glared at her. She looked frightened and took a step back.

"L-lucy?" She asked


"Why are you standing here like that"

"I don't know I gotta go home"

Before I pasted her she pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay I know you've been crying lucy please get home safe"

I tensed and I ended up and hugged her back

"Thank you lisianna"

"Shhh...its okay not get home before the sun goes down"

We both broke the hug and nodded. She's so caring and thoughtful no wonder why everyone was so happy to see her again. I barely knew her but she made me feel a whole lot better. I started to run home to my apartment.

Natsu POV

I felt horrible after what lucy told me and I felt guilty aboutbehst I told her but she had to know the truth. I looked at my food and at the time. It was 7:39pm and I still have not eaten. Me not hungry anymore I just ordered icecream not in the mood for pancakes. I then see lisainna walk in.

"What's up lisianna" siad natsu

"Nothing much just came back from talking to lucy"

"What happened to her" I asked

"She didn't say she stood quite most of the time but she was crying really hard...I don't know what happened but I felt bad for her"

I didn't say a word feeling more guilt then ever. I saw lisianna walk to the table me and lucy once sat an sat down with me.

"What did you did you do to lucy natsu"

"I did whats right for my team"

She gasped and shook her head

"You k-kicked her out team natsu"

"I had too she was weak and we had to keep saving her life"

I got up and walked away with happy following me

Lucy POV

At her apartment

I sat at my desk writing letters to fairy tail, natsu, levy and wendy, and mira and master.

I started to write to fairy tail first

Dear fairy tail,

I just wanted to let you guys know that I got kicked off of team Natsu. So what your about to hear blame them.
I remember the first time I stepped my foot in this guild with natsu right beside me. It was the happiest day of my life, all those adventures, ceremonys,celebrations, and races was so much fun.
But wanted to let you guys know this one thing. IMA miss you guys. Because I'm quiting the guild. So if you are mad blame it all on natsu.

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