Coming Out Soon

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Its just the sequel for all of you guys who wanted me to make either a second book or a sequel.

But don't worry I did haha

Lucy and Natsu soon get married and have a baby after being together for 3 years. That's until Twilight Ore tries to separate them and even take their baby away.

Natsu goes after their child and when he comes back he's beaten half to death, and the baby is on the edge near death.

Did Twilight Ore flipped the switch on Lucy making her use her actual powers and causing her to go insane after seeing what they did to her husband and her baby?

Will Natsu ever forgive Lucy on having these powers and never telling him, would he devoice her because of this shameful secret, Will he go out with Lisanna?

Read to find out
coming out soon

I love you all and thank you for reading this book


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