Chapter Seven

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Before with natsu and gray

"Natsu do you remember igneel"

I gasped and sat down

"Yeah did you find him"


He huffed and puffed

"Actually I searched up Lucy's family... Many pages of her and her family... And you remember her mom Layla?" He said

"Yeah why and why was you researching Lucy's childhood" I said with a confused look on my face

"Well lucy owns you natsu"

Lucy and the dragon

"You own all dragons and dragon slayers lucy"

"What do y-you mean"

Natsu and gray

"Her mom..."

Lucy and the dragon

"Your mom..."

Both gray and the dragon together

"Is the dragon Queen she owns all"

Lucy and the dragon

"No that can't be she passed away when I young"

" yes she did but we was waiting on you princess because your next in line to become queen your highness"

Natsu and gray

"That can't be... Igneel belongs to no one not even lucy or her mother"

"That's what you think natsu but she does... Her mother passed making her next" gray said as silance grew "IMA go home I'll see you tomorrow flamebrain" gray jumped out the window and walked home.

Natsu still confused sat there all night thinking.

'I can't believe how selfish I was... Me kicking her off the team... And all the time she was the queen of dragons and dragon slayers....did she know about this... If she did that's why she loved hanging around me and wendy so much... She would never forgive me and know she has the power to kill me'

Lucy and the dragon

"Your Highness... Whould you like to come to the dragon realm and train there... We should teach you all sorts of magic. Fire,water,earth,and air magic. God slaying magic, wolf slaying magic, all types...please your highness we would love to see you" she said

Lucy stood there and nodded her head. The dragon looked very happy and said

"Open gate of the dragon realm"

A blue and purple portal appeared as the dragon/human walked inside.

Lucy stared and walked in also.

"Oh and my name is stardust but you can call me star your highness"

"Thats a beauful name star and just call me Lucy okay just lucy"

"As you wish lucy"

As we was already inside it was beautiful. The Sky's where crystal blue as the dragons flew freely. Three dragons landed in front of me and sky. They all transformed into humans.

One wore a red suit and his hair was pink and was spiky... He remained me of natsu. The other one wore a blue dress with pink hair. She looks like wendy a lot. The last one had black hair with alot of piercings and an all black outfit. He looks like gajeel.

"Your Highness" they all bowed

"Igneel, Metalhead, and grandeeney...I'm so happy I meet you guys"

"Y-you know us" asked igneel

"Yea I know your children too... Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel."

"How are they"they all asked

"Well natsu is a huge jerk and stupid but he's also sweet and kind hearted sometimes oh and likes to fight. Wendy well she's the sweetest person ever. I look at her like she's my little sister I never had. And how could I forget about Gajeel. He looks like you Mr.redfox. a lot of piercings and wears only black clothes. I know he has a thing for my beat friend levy but he won't admit it." I giggled but then signed "but we used to be friends except me and Wendy. We are still friends"

"Did something happen lucy" asked sky

Igneel, Mr.redfox,and grandeeney gasped as they headed sky say my name.

"Its okay I told her she can call me by my first name and yeah but I don't wanna talk about it."

"Well okay...let's go your training starts right now with igneel" said sky as I looked at him and he smiled.

"Lets go princess you need to learn fire first then iron, sky and all the others this might take a few years lucy" said igneel

"I don't mind I just wanna learn fire first then iron"

"Now that's the spirit lucy" said redfox and grandeeney.

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