Chapter 9

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Normal POV

"Erza" Erza turned around and saw lucy "Erza scarlet I battle you to a duel"

Erza looked shocked as she heard those words but she shugged it off"if your ready but I'm not gonna go easy on you"

Lucy smirked "I don't plan on going easy on you either, meet me outside" and with that she walked out the guild with everyone behind her

Erza POV

Does this girl have a death wish she's just a celestial mage and she taking on a equip mage. I wanna go easy on her but she doesn't want me too.

She stopped walking and so did I. She turned around and took of her coalk, I could see everyone placing their bets and no one bet for her except our master and Natsu.

"You ready Erza,"

"Give me your best shot Lucy"

The master came in the middle of us "Fight"

None of us moved we just stood there smirking at each other. I rolled my eyes wishing I still had my strawberry cake.

"EQUIP" I said as my celestial armor appeared

"EQUIP" she said as she had her princess armor on (don't let princess armor fool you its way more powerful that all the others)

She ran in too me and tried to hit me with the white and gold axe that came with that armor. But I dodged the attack and yet I got caught on my left arm.

When I looked back at her she smiled as her armor went back to her original clothes. I stood up and I held my katana in my hands, she didn't even flinch when I did that "y-your an equip mage" I just had to ask.

She smiled once more and nodded her head, "I'm more than you think" her eyes turned into snake eyes "Celestial dragon-" my eyes opened wide as I saw she was also a dragon slayer "ROAR" a bunch of fire mixed with wind came clashing towards me and I couldn't dodge it.

Lucy POV

I snickered as I saw that Erza couldn't dodge that attack, she can easily dodge natsu's but not mine. I saw she was struggling to get up and when she did she came running towards me.

"Equip" I yelled and I ended up with the same armor as Erza the celestrial armor.

Both of our katanas hit on another both of us pushing it against each other. She looked angry and me personality was bored out of my mind. I thought the mighty Tatiana was the strongest wizard in Fairy tail. I pushed my katana harder and I sent her flying back.

"Ice Make: Floor" I said

Ice covered the floor and Erza slipped and landed on her back. When I turned around I saw gra with his mouth wide open and his eyes were huge. I smiled and gave him a small wave he did the same too me.

"LUUCCCYYYY" she yelled

I turned around and saw her sprinting at me. I could tell she got even more angry. I then changed into a she-devil and looked at Erza with a smile on my face.

"Ready to give up" I said

"I would rather die than give up" she said

I went back to my original form and looked at her "I got strawberry cake" I said as I held my hand out

She stared at it for a moment and then looked at me "are you trying to bribe me became I just told you No"

I gave the cake to natsu and shrugged " I guess IMA have to kill you Tatiana" I said as my smile disappeared "Shadow Dragon wing attack" a bunch of shadows came to her as she dodged so but not all.

When she was on the floor I came towards her and held my hands up into the air "Shadows come forth and feast today you shall eat" a bunch of shadows came toward Erza and I

Rogue POV

"The Hell" I said

Then my idiotic brother sting came running inside "what's going on rogue... Hey are those your shadows"

I gave him a are you stupid look " no their santas shadows, of course they are mine stupid ass"

"Oh where are they going than" he said

"I don't know but IMA bout to find out come on" I ran out the room and went to magnoila to only see my shadows with a girl that has black hair.

When I looked around her I saw Erza laying there frightened and that girl with a smile on her face

"Shadows leave" she said and mine entered my body and hers in hers. She went up to Erza and held her chin "I'm not gonna kill you but you should've gave up when I told you too" and with that she punched her in the gut.

The girt turned around and saw me and sting. She looked happy and gave us both a hug.

"Hey rogue hey sting long time no see" she said

"Who are you"

She giggled and punched me playfully "I'm lucy you moron now are you gonna bow or should I kill you"

"Bow...? Kill me...? What the hell is going on" I said

She rolled her eyes and natsu can behind her "she's our queen bow down"

I nodded and bowed for her and so did sting. She kicked us both and laughed "I was just joking about the bowing down I acualy hate that it bothers me"

Sting got up first "what then why did you make us do it"

She shrugged "I don't know jut to do it I guess"

"Um why did you take my shadows and tried to kill Erza" I asked

She laughed a little "I wasn't gonna kill her it just to show her what I am and your shadows came back to you so stop complaining jeez"

I nodded my head and started to go back to sabortooth with sting right behind me

Gray POV

I was walking home after the fight between Erza and Lucy. I was shocked to see that Erza lost and how I saw her using ice magic.

When I opened my door I saw lucy was sitting there. When she saw me she smiled, I smiled back and then I saw her running towards me. She gave me a hug and left my home.

What the hell just happened

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