Chapter 12

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Gramps POV


I shook my head "I'm afraid I can not say child and he ready did quit the guild. I'm sorry"

Mira went up to Lucy and stroked her back "So that's why he looked mad earlier"

Lucy pushed Mirajane away and had a tick mark on her head "WHEN DID HE COME... WHY DIDNT NO ONE TELL ME"

Jellal soon came and hugged her "It's okay"

She started crying and pushed him away too "No you don't understand... *Sob*  he's my best friend... GRAMPS"

I looked at her "hmm"

"When would he come back...sniff... Tell me please" she said

"I don't know my child... He said there would be no promises" I said

She wiped her tears and walked to the request board. She scanned it carefully and snached one of of it.

She walks over to Mira and slammed the paper down "IMA take this one"

She looked at it and her eyes grew wide full of fear "Are you sure... Can you take someone with you like Erza and Gray or jellal and he gang"

Lucy shook her head "NO!!! I wanna do this alone... IMA go bye"

She walked out of the guild without anyone not even happy went with her. She looked more miserable then ever when she left. Lucy my child, be safe god damn it

Lucy POV

I was already in Oak town which was really far. Of course I got there quickly because I used my magic to get here so I was already in front of the mansion.

I knocked on the door "Hello... Hi I'm from Fairy tail and I'm here to answer her flayer"

The doors opened and there stood a man with... Orange and yellow hair "Hello well thank you...  I need tour help to destroy a island, grimwar heart, and take down their guild. When your done please come see me"

I nodded and left. I started walking towards the island he wants me to destroy. Why does he want me to destroy it anyway. Mom I really need you right now.

Then Star appeared and smiled "You called for your mom but she's gone so please call me instead"

I put on a fake smile "Okay... So can I use my wings now... And when am I gonna get my exceed hmm"

She shook her head "First of take that fake smile of your face you know I hate that one, two You get your exceed when you earn it and three, you can use your wings now bye"

With that she left two faced bitch. I ran and jumped off the cliff and my blue and black wings came out. I flew over to the island and landed.

I looked around "Hmm... Quite... Too quite"

I stood up and walked around the island. There was no signs of life only leaves ad trees. No birds, animals, nor bugs.

This is probably why he wanted me to destroy this island. But that's a stupid plan but oh well.

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