Chapter two: Lies

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At the guild

Lucy pov

I walk in front of the guild staring at the guilds doors. I take a deep breath and walk in.

"GOOD MORNING LUCY" everyone in the guild said happily

"Good morning everyone" I said said I walked to the bar

Everyone nodded and went back to what they we're doing. I walked to a table and sat by myself. Two minutes levy came and and saw my being all lonesome and walked towards me with a smile. Her blue hair was in her face while the rest was just in the back. I can't help but say she looks beautiful today.

"Hey lucy what's up" said levy as she sat down

"Hey and nothing much just got here how about you"

"Same and I'm starving"

"Same..." I looked around and spotted Mira by the bar "hey Mira can you come here so me and Levi can order"

"Sure" said Mira looking happier then ever to take our order " what would you gal pals like to have"

"I'll take two burgers with a lot of French fries oh with a milk shake" I said

"Woe that's a lot but okay and how about you Levi what should you like"

"Same as her Mira"

"Okay girls I'll be back"

"Okay" said both of them

We stood there in silence for a moment until Mira came back with 6 plates in her hands and arms

"Here you gals go enjoy"

"Thanks Mira"we both said again a laughed

Then we both looked at the table and saw that it was all covered with our food. We both giggled and laughed. Then we started eating everyone looked shocked because we are acting as if we never ate before just like natsu.


I knew that voice but I ignored it and continued eating my food with levi not caring what anyone thought of me I was so hungry.

I heard footstep coming towards me.

"Lucy I didn't know you ate so that looks like a lot of food...can I join you girls"


I already knew it was natsu and happy right behind me and me being kind hearted I told them yes but they also had to ask levy who didn't care as much as she did. Both natsu a happy sat down and ate with us we must of been here for a while. When we were done it was already five but I didn't care at least I ate with my two best friends levy and natsu...and happy. But I spoke to soon...


What does she mean I spoke to soon I hope levy and natsu doesn't leave her forever. Who am I kidding I already know.okay sorry now let's continue with this chapter
Bye for now


I heard the guild doors fly open and that's when I saw a girl white white short hair. I don't remember a her name but I heard it before but it was pretty.

"L-lisianna"said natsu

That's her name lisianna the most prettiest name I ever heared. She was more beautiful then I heard the entire guild ran after her even levy and natsu leaving me at the table like I wasn't here.

"Hey Mira how much...MIRA"I screamed but I guess she didn't hear me

Oh well I got up and put 200 jewels on the table and walked out...I hope this doesn't last long. I thought  as I walked out the guild and made my way to my apartment balancing on the narrow edge to the river.

"Make sure you don't fall in lucy"

" I won't thanks"

Before I knew it I was standing right outside my apartment building. I slowly walked up the stairs to my home trying not to wake the landlady. I unlocked my door and went to the bathroom.

I turned on the water to lukewarm and put some body wash in it. After a minute or two I turned it off got undressed,put my wip and my keys on the counter and stepped in enjoying the feeling of water hit my skin. I slouched down and let half of my face inside the water only allowing my eyes to show.

After a few minutes in the bathroom I got out and dried myself. I thew my clothes in the clothes bin and walked out. Picking out some pjs. I threw on my blue shirt and white shorts. I picked up my wip and keys and put it inside my drawer. I climbed into my bed hoping tomorrow won't be like today. I closed my eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep.

The next day

I've woken up and headed for the guild. I was ready to tell the guild my past. I know I can trust them they are my family. Before I knew it I was standing right in front of the doors. I took a deep breath and walked in.

"Morning Lucy" everyone greeted me

I just love the way they do that every time I walk in


I walk to a table the usual table I sat in when I wanna be alone. Mira came up to me and gave me a strawberry shake my usual morning breakfast.

I took a sip and it tasted really good. I said thank you as she walked behind the bar. After twenty minutes have passed natsu came up to me and sat down.

"Good morning natsu"

"Hi lucy"

I smiled at him and took another sip of my strawberry shake as mira came and gave natsu a big plate full of bacon and pancakes.

"Thanks mira I owe you one"

She walked away and natsu faced me

"So what's up wanna go on a job or something"

"Um...Lucy... I don't wanna go on a job right now or ever with you"

I froze there in shock as the entire guild was looking at us.

"W-what do y-you mean natsu"

"I mean your kicked of team natsu"

"I don't understand"

"Look...lucy... Your weak and we are getting tired of always having to save you... I'm sorry"

I wanted to yell at him and cry but I held it in and faked a smile

"I understand natsu"

"Y-your not mad"

"No I'm not I'm glad you've been honest with me. But there's nothing that got me mad not about you kicking me off the team its that you lied to me natsu"

"H-how did "

I stopped him and continued talking

"You lied because when I first came here to the guild you wanted to team up with me and you promised you will be by my side no matter what and you broke that promise natsu and me... I gotta go I'll see you some other time...oh and thank you for telling me"

Natsu didn't know what to say but stare at Lucy. He knew she was hurt inside but he thought she didn't care. Lucy got up from her table and left her milkshake there as she walked out leaving natsu at the table.

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