Chapter 18

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Hiya this chapter is designated to randomness58 for always voting and commenting well hope you like it


Alright just please don't die on me, I love you. See you soon BTW I can hear all your thoughts and pain gihi bye.

I smiled and I heard him come back in "Hmpf pathetic and weak I see, well I guess I'll kill you here but for now IMA have my fun"

He then swung the whip at me once more and...

Lucy POV

I ran into the castle like house or guild or whatever and saw someone walking down the stairs, more like a shadow though. I left the others behind and followed him down the stairs.

Once I was in the room it looked horrible with chipped walls and vines and chains all around it, it looked like a dungeon "This place could use so redecorating" I said in a whisper that I can only hear.

I walked in a little deeper to see the man smile at a random figure.  I looked more closely and saw Natsu "Hmpf pathetic and weak I see, well I guess I'll kill you here but for now IMA have my fun"

He then slung the whip at Natsu, I then ran in front of Natsu and caught the whip in my bare hand. I was so mad that my bags were covering my eyes that all you can see where shadows.

The man froze and I looked up "don't you dare" I said as I was getting frustrated "Lay another finger on him or I'll burn you into a smoked fish"

The man then backed up and tried to yank the whip out of my hands "Let go of my whip woman"

I then yanked the whip so I can grab his shirt collar and bring him closer to my face "Shut the hell up-" I then threw him back and he hit the other side of the wall "-you shouldn't have messed with Fairy tail, now your gonna pay... CELESTRIAL DRAGON-"



He then went back three walls and I looked at whom ever helped me, to only see that it was Mikani "Thanks but I got this, get Natsu out of those chains"

Mikani hugged me and stared into my eyes "Lu-chan, please don't die on me. I love you"

I was stiff and then I hugged her with one hand while my other was pointing at zancrow "I love you too"

She then broke the hug to help Natsu out of the chains while I was walking towards Zancrow. I lifted him up by his shirt and I burned his chest with my fire magic.


I shook my head and looked at him with an emotionless face "You shouldn't have called your queen that, now your gonna pay-" my wings then came out my back "-I hope your not afraid of heights"

I then flew up into the air and threw him all the way up "Upsi daisy, I hope you can fly because I'm not saving you" I then flew higher above him then kicked him all the way down

When I landed he was motionless on the floor, my wings disappeared and I looked at Natsu and Mikani who was smiling at me. Mikani was holding Natsu and I could tell he's really weak.

I went up to Mikani and held her shoulder "Kani-chan drop him and don't help him up"

Mikani looked at me as if I was mental "Lucy, he's in pain and super weak, those chains sucked almost all his magic energy"

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