Chapter 11

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No one POV

I opened the door and saw... Jellal.

Chapter 11: Someone who I love

"Hey Lucy, long time no see" Jellal smirked

(+.+)Lucy jumped into his arms "JELLAL!!! omg I missed you, I mean...Yeah long time no see"

"Where are the other two" Erza asked while walking towards him

Jellal put Lucy down and ruffled her hair "They are checking out stores and they will come here when they are done... Lucy can we spend the week here please"

"Oh, Sure, um girls wait here please, come jellal" Lucy said while grabbing him

"Okay" Wendy said

"Fine" Erza said

"Okay then" Levy said

Lucy just smiled and walked up the white marble stairs with jellal behind her. She opened up the first door and it was huge but ment for a girl.

"This is Wendy's room, and over here-" she closed that door and opened the next one "-This is Erza's room, the room next to hers is-" she went to throne next to that one"-Levy's room-" she went to another room "This can be Meredy's room this one over here-" she went to another room "Can be Ultear's room-" and the last room she went to "-My room but you can stay with me since there are no boys here today"

Jellal nodded and Lucy hugged him "I'm so happy your here and I know Erza is too"

*Ding dong**Ding dong**Ding dong*

Lucy ran down stairs and saw Meredy and Ultear smiling at her while carrying bags.

"Hi Lucy" Ultear said

Meredy dropped her bags and jumped onto her "LUCY"

"Hi guys, your rooms are upstairs just to let you know I put lables on the doors so you can know who room is who's" she said

Meredy and Ultear nodded and went upstairs to their room while lucy sat back down with Levy,Wendy, and Erza. They were watching the Exorcise while eating popcorn and drinking soda.

Hmm Lucy thought and she stands up "I'll be right back, don't pause it for me"

All three girls nodded their heads as Lucy went to the kitchen. She took out Candy, strawberry cake, muffins, cupcakes,more popcorn, cookies, Nacho chips and cheese dip, and chips. She went back to her living room and put it all on the coffee table.

Wendy took somn candy that lucy threw in a huge bowl, Levy took some cookies, Erza...well you know she took her strawberry cake, while lucy took her Nacho's and cheese. Then crime sorciere came down and started watching the movie also but they all took cupcakes haha.

When the movie was over All the girls went to bed except Lucy and Jellal. They were both cleaning up the living room because it for really messy because of the popcorn fight earlier on the movie.

"Jellal...thanks but you can go to bed of you want" lucy told him while cleaning the table

He went up behind her "I'm not tired of your not tired Lulu"

"Lulu?!" She said as she turned around

He smiled "yeah that's my nickname for you, what do you think"

She thought for a minute "I like it, all done. Come on let's go to bed Jelly"

He looked at her then smiled "okay, let me guess that's my nickname"

She nodded and opened the door to their room "Yup"

They both went inside and Lucy took a shower while Jellal waited for her for he can take one. When she came out she only had her towal on and her black hair was strait down her back.

"Llal...ellal... Jellal" lucy said

He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at her "Hmm"

She giggled and she went inside her walk in closet "Its your turn to take a bath"

He nodded his head and went into the bathroom while Lucy was lost in her maze of clothes...not really... She took out her white cotton shorts and pink T-shirt. She threw them on and left the closet.when she was humming she went on her bed and started looking at sorciere weekly.

Jellal came out wearing his checkered pattern pants and a white shirt. He then later down next to Lucy and looked at her magazine.

(•.•) His face grew wide when he saw that his crush was in it "Lucy look that you, your in the magazine"

When he looked at her she was sleeping, he took the magazine away from her and layed her down. He threw the covers I've top of them and turned of the light with one hand wile the other was around her.

☀Next Morning☀
Natsu POV

I got up and started going to Lucy's house. When I claimed the windows and looked into hers, she wasn't there. She's probably at the guild already.

I ran to the guild and opened the doors hoping to find Lucy. I walked all the way in and saw her sitting next to... Jellal, Ultear, and Meredy. But when I walked closer I saw her give a kiss to jellal.

I felt like my heart just got ripped out of my chest. I backed away and walked out the guild leaving everyone there even happy. DAMN. I walked back to her apartment and sat on her bed.

I put my face in my hands and stood like that. Why does she love Jellal. Is she so dumb not to realize I love her. I started to feel something gripping my heart and throwing it into a cage.

Fuck her,
fuck him,
fuck life.
Fuck everything.
I thought... She loved me
So his is was she ment by revenge.
... I know what ima do

I got up and jumped out of her window and ran back to the guild. I slammed open the door "WHERES GRAMPS"

"He's in his office... Is something wrong natsu" Mira asked me

I ignored her and went into his office. I knocked on the door " in there"

"Yes come in child-" I opened the door and went inside "-What is it Natsu"

"Gramps I wanna quit fairy tail... For good, there's no promises saying I'm coming back" I said

He looked surprised "What do you mean, I... You can quit we need you natsu"

Tears started coming out of my eyes. "Why would you wanna have someone who is gonna keep getting hurt"

"Natsu how are you getting hurt hmm" he asked

I looked up at him "Its lucy alright. I lost igneel and now I lost her so I wanna quit god damn it. Its bad enough I'm the one who made her quit. But she came back and now I'm in pain seeing her with another guy so please let me leave"

He sighed "Okay natsu, give me your arm" I gave him my arm and he took the mark away "there... But natsu be safe alright"

I nodded and left his office and the guild. Good bye fairy tail. Maybe I'll come back to you. One day


So what do you think

I feel bad for natsu

Maybe he will come back or fight them

You never know haha


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